Beautiful princess

Story by NovaFox on SoFurry

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Beautiful princess An interactive story by Nova Fox ([email protected]) Warning! This scene might contain in the later chapters nudity, sex and other things unsuitable for non-adults. If you are under you legal age please stop reading and click the large "x" on the upper right corner of this window. If you read this story and suffer damage, get caught, whatever don't sue me because I warned you. All characters in this story are © by their creators / players. Posting somewhere else is allowed as long as this message block is still there, MST's are allowed, comments and critics are welcome, but please send Flames directly to [email protected] instead of sending them to me, because I will send them to this adress anyway. Did I forget something? Oh yes, many thanks to everyone at Yiffstar, Planetfurry, FFF, FurNet and to whom I forgot ;) And now on with the "story" * * *

After a shipwrecking on the cliffs, that are located close to the harbour city Sansibar our 18 year old main hero Geronimus Spot slowly awakens in the shabby tavern room he had rented from his last golden coins. His head was aching and his mind was a bit blurred on how he did come here. He remembered swimming to the land, after he lost all his equipment and his clothes when the ship collided with the cliffs close to Sansibar thanks to a navigation error. Also clearly in his mind was, how he made his way to the city. With slow and stumbling steps Geronimus had made his way up the path through the desert, that sourrounded Sansibar and almost collapsed, as he finally reached the tavern he was in now. He vaguely remembered how he had rented the room, then laid down on the bed and collapsed, but he somehow knew, that he had a problem now. As already said except from a few golden coins, he had with him in a leather bag, he had lost everything at this accident, including clothes. Not that he minded wearing clothes, since his fur was thick enough, but Geronimus could imagine how other species would react, when they saw a sly build, 5'7 high, naked racoon boy with long greyish fur and hair and grey eyes, walking through the street. Not that Geronimus was ugly or so, it simply was not a clever idea, especially when he wanted to make some money to get away from this harbour city. Great, really great. Stuck in a harbour city, that had been buld right in the middle of a desert after all he wanted was to experience a few adventures. For this he had fled from his caring family? A family, that had been so caring, that they had planned his entire life including his marriage, but who had forgotten, that Geronimus was still a person not a machine. Clearly he could remember the day when he left. His parents had just finished dressing him up for the marriage and wwere about to grab him and bring him down to the church, where his future bride had already been waiting. Geronimus himself had not been pleased by this, but what chances did he have? He tried to flee a few times, but everytime he got caught. When he slowly walked downstairs, where everyone was waiting to follow him to the church, there luckily had been an open window that led to the horse stalls. Geronimus had not thought twice and before even his parents could have reacted he had jumped out of the window and grabbed a horse, then began to ride towards to the path leading deeper into the village. He could his parents already call the guards, as he came closer to that path and the first bows missed him only by inches, when he rode up that path and closer to the village, but Geronimus did not stop. He was expercting to be caught by some guards right after he fled, but this time luck was on his side and soon, he managed to ride down the the small harbour of the village safely. Okay more or less safely since the guards were still behind him, but that was another problem. In his panic he ran over to one of the ships, that was just preparing to leave the harbour and to travel over the sea to foreign lands. With a jump he had been on board, followed by serveral arrows of the guards, who seemed to either bring him back or shoot him this time for that fleeing attempt, but none of them hit him and all missed, as the ship left the dock and began to exit the harbour. Geronimus did hear the guards yelling the ship to stop and Geronimus to hop back onto the land and for a moment he had thought that once more his escape attempt would fail, but again Fortuna had been on his side and the ship made it to the sea safely, while its crew cursed and yelled at the guards of the city, some of them even grabbing Geronimus and pullig him under deck. After they had been out on the open sea, the captain himself had come to visit Geronimus and asked him some questions, while Geronimus told him his story. To Geronimus luckiness the captain had been through almost the same shit as Geronimus had and so he was allowed to stay and work on this ship, while they drove over to Sansibar. Everything had been fine and he actually had begun to like some of the crew, when they had hit the cliffs and the ship was ripped into piecs within a few minutes. How many had survived except Geonimus? Were they all okay or was he the only survivor? What if his father would keep searching him and what if those hunters caugh him? A lot of questions were in Geronimus mind, as he laid back on the matress and started daydreaming again. He did not know how long, but when he could hear somebody yelling out news, he could feel his senses return. Were this messengers from his father, searching for him, Geronimus, or was this just the local gossip, that got spread around? Nervously Geronimus was unsure if he should get up and listen or hide in his room or possibly try to flee? Okay here comes the part, where it is your turn. I have given some suggestions (listen, hide, flee) and you can vote for them or bring up a completely new idea how he should react to this. Maybe you have a better idea, then tell me. Hey that is why I call it interactive. Just go ahead and imagine. ;) - To be continued -