#1 of vanguard now it's found us like i have found you i don't wanna run just overwhelm me -snow patrol, "the lightning strike" h'kdi, long-range scout, was far from the hive when it happened, the telepathic presence of its species local great-mind
Kaleb Lightfire vs Vinge Glaseros. A battle of skill and tactics
He stopped short and examined the wall. "...summoning ice telepathically....fascinating....i've never encountered something like this before..."
The Finals and Aftermath (Chapter 10 and final chapter of my Yu-Gi-Oh series)
Neither one of them had activated their duel disks yet, but seemed to have a telepathic staring contest. they shook paws and shuffled their decks as the storm hit the yacht, making it seem like this was the biggest match in history.
Journey to another world pt2 ch56
Jenavee sent to me telepathically as she walked by my side. ‘i know that you know what is happening to rena and kit. so when are you going to help them?' she asked in a concerned tone. ‘as far as rena is concerned, i hope to help her tonight.'
Army of Cuteness Part 1
I considered trying to contact them telepathically, but then that would almost certainly be intercepted and lead these plush people directly to them.
Vera's Revenge
Kill all of them and leave the leader of their group near death so you can have your revenge young vera," dragoo said telepathically to her, then spoke the same way to all his dragons.
Dust Shorts: First Hunt
Her telepathic skills were still not amazing, and she still needed to know where he was for it to work (_far as she knew at least_). so, she couldn't just reach out with her mind to find him. so, she had to remain quiet and try not to fall asleep.
Caught in the Rain
She nosed his neck, eyes closed, using her telepathic abilities to soothe him (as best she could). for bats had enhanced mental powers. field swallowed and closed his eyes, taking slow, steady breaths. mice, as a species, were very timid. anxious.
The Tale of Thorns - Chapter 1
His powers developed mostly into the area of telepathic invasions, telekinetic movements, and anything more invested into the realm of the mind.
The Second Promise: Spirited Away
After a few seconds, they telepathically connected. _"kyrik, i am in the middle of-" _an older - yet somehow youthful - voice answered with some annoyance before kyrik cut him off. _"someone's been murdered, jirmen!"
Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 14-Martin's Harvest
Their telepathic abilities were fucking strong if they could get into my head. "god, what the hell are those things?", the driver asked shifting down to low gear.
X-Men Marks the Spot Chapter Two: One Act of Human Kindness
It wouldn't be easy taking down a telepath that strong. now was it beep, beep, bop, boop, or was it beep bop, boop, beep. after about ten minutes of finagling i had found that the code was 4376.