A Much Needed Break
Manta cried out and could only squirm about as the extra hands began to place themselves against his armpits and ribs.
death of an enemy part 1
I continued holding his throat until he stopped squirming. i chuckled. "and that my friend is why you dont fuck with cameron hall." as i left i turned around looking at the now dead tiger.
Approach the sleeping jackalope and pokemon
The jackalope continues sleeping so it squirms away and over onto the top to nuzzle the mudkip. the mudkip stirs awake and moves its head to look at you with the same curious expression.
Say Maam you are such a gorgeous yellow
Do you caress her talons squirm out from between her claws and look up at her try to climb up and sit on her shoulder gaze out to the horizon doing nothing. say, "oh, i love this. being out here watching this with your lovely self."
Trevor Story 1
squirming just made it worse and harder to breathe. "there wasn't even any peanut butter." grumbled trevor. his imagination was his only escape, a dreamscape of creamy, rich, brown mountains all for him. he began salivating at the memories.
KoB - Kiss of Blood - Chapter 1
He loves making me squirm without any effort. he is also the youngest one. and a bit of a fairy, but he knows how to get what he wants. and that's what scares me most. his name is jade, i'm nick.
Chapter 13 Teaser
Fang squirmed trying in vain to free himself from the 8 tails grip letting out muffled screams as maverick tightened his grip threatening painfully threatening to break the todd's jaw. "i'll give you a moment to pray to your gods."
._ "oh stop squirming piav, you know you need to work if you want coppers.", the squirrel matron said as she strapped the ferret to the changing table. "and i don't intend to let a vermin such as you work in my library unless i diaper you."
The Shadow Serum
He collapsed and screamed and squirmed in the endless pain that would make the gods cry! -|- they watched in awe as this being of light transformed into not a shadow, but darkness, pure darkness.
POETRY: Ode to the Wannabe Dragon Slayer
In a moment it was over, just as quick as it began, the reptile roared in triumph, as he clutched the squirming man. then the dragon nonchalantly, plucked the armor from the knight, then opened wide great fearsome jaws, intent to take a bite.
Ferret in Space (Ferret and Badger part 1) (Otherwise Untitled)
The blanket burrito of a mustelid squirmed and tumbled in place until her eyes found the soft blue glow of the tritium necklace floating free somewhere over near the navigational instrumentation.
The birth of a Puppy
And as soon as the fox laid in the bed, and reached the emergency room, kris was squirming intensly. he was whimpering, "please james, i want this cub out!" james rubbed his mates ears, "relax kris. you're almost done."