Adept Paws 3: Faerrets!

The spell on her still shone, the forest floor awash with her golden light, the spell hanging around her like a tattered mantle. she rose unscathed, hardly even a patch of fur out of place. "i'm fine."

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country pie contest

You work on that spell! i'm going to go protect my farm unless she's already eaten it!"

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Unfamiliar Magic

The spell was looking for a celestial animal. when all it found was telani, the spell worked with what it had and made her fit the bill. she could only assume the pup part came because students were probably partnered with young familiars.

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Little Star Chapter 4

As powerful as she was, she couldn't fight the effect of the spell, and she quickly fell asleep before it fully covered her. when the spell was finished, the pod looked like a lavender-colored orb which pulsed slowly.

How I Found It All: Part IX

Try using a spell." "you're right. most magical items are activated by a spell. let's try a soultrap spell." "whoa! soultrap?" "don't worry. it only works on animals. i can't capture human souls." "okay, good."

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The Winter Wolves I

"do you think you could get a haste spell ready?" fran's eyes flicked over to the red panda, but he did as the panda had asked. the symbols used to cast the spell came easily to his mind.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Ninety-Eight

I'm an amateur historian, with a broad range of knowledge, but an expert on spell patterns and spell work. i'm also one of the global authorities on artefacts -- not making them, but on the origins and histories of all of the major ones out there."

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Revelation The Beginning

They instructed the 10 mages to invent a spell strip the domega of his eight elements.

Grentail Manor Chapter 3

Though they never got around to actual spells, susila learned a lot about the underlying nature of magic.

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The Bards Dream Part 1

Reciting a quick spell and waving his arms he conjured fierce tornado that ripped through the competition. brios gawked in awe. a single spell of the drakken's had easily devastated a large number of foes he had trouble dealing with.

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A Wizard's Feast

"it will take you longer than a week to undo this spell," he boasted. leaning up he licked his apprentice's face. he knew it would only take a day to break the spell, but he was going to hold off for a week.

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A Story of Light and Dark

Soon, they had devised a spell, that would kill everything. they gathered together, and began chanting. weaving the spell. it took days, nearly a week, to complete it.

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