Introduction to a story I haven't thought about much...

I grant you an eternity of life with each other, and you shall become seasons..."

A World Apart - Prologue

Since i am not fond of the season in public, i get a lot of "scrooge" comments, which baffle me. i do not think i am greedy, but rather simply perturbed.

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Solarix the Snowmage

One would think that the person in charge of all the seasons would be a physical being who resides in a place where she he it or otherwise can watch the seasons and manipulate.

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Beginning of the End - Ch 1

Looking at me, he began with, "misha, you have been with us for the past twenty seasons. you are respected and appreciated.

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The Beginning of a New Race: Chapter Seven

I hadn't been here long enough to understand the passing of seasons, to know how long the cycles lasted, nor if they had what i was told earth had as seasons, but i knew that it wouldn't be long before the nights were no longer the only cold parts of the day

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The Story of a found Myth

Hunter pov today was going to be a good day, i had three wolf tags and was determined to get at least one this season.

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Fallen Kingdoms of Baruun: Broken Shackle (Preview)

Even at her home village, which had been located in the jungle itself and offered some protection from the cold winds, the season still reached them and chilled the panthers in their beds.

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The Eve of Wintersday

"i was actually in the front of the plane, but it is the season of giving, so i waited until everyone else was off of the aircraft to leave."

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Chapter 1: The Same Old Story

#1 of the mating season 5 the mating season 5: the final chapter part 5 of a six part series chapter 1: the same old story fifty-six years old. had time really passed so quickly?

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The Drama of the Moon

Thus, during the dry season the ningal occupies the sammangal, and during the wet season prince kisotosy and his descendents swim downriver to the flooded forests.

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A Child's Rage Chapter 2: Love and Hate

"it's been seasons since he died and several more since he left the last time. it's better for you to let it go... i don't want to see you like this. shredded and deeply hurt, it tears me up.

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