Breaking the Barrier: To the library!
On site, i lay the first of my next series of prototype rockets into the guide rod and affix the motor in its place at the bottom. i prep another fuse and wrap it around the part of the motor that sticks out the end of the rocket.
"well, i was conducting a test on a new fighter prototype before it went into the field.
Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 12 - How It All Falls Apart
We'll try to get the prototype from the zero-d's storage facility" he walked up to iris. "you and ryu stay here. we don't need a cripple, if there's a possibility of fighting. he'll only get in the way or slow us down" iris nodded but i cut in.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 89: Nothing We Do Makes Any Difference Whatsoever
#89 of counter earth chronicles: fallen empire last chapter after such hopelessness and despair alex, corbin and yogi needed a win and they got it finding the red prototype which they used parts of, to get back home with shira along for the ride.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 92: One Act Of Betrayal Saves Us All
\* the automated assistant announced as the silver prototype arrived. "yes wheels." \*sidepods engaged. locking onto targets.\* "it is over malice you can't win." linias said coughing. "defeated by you weaklings?! you will suffer for thissssss!!!"
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 108: Task And Purpose
"i decided to have the prototypes to continue to scan the city as a extra line of defense." the bear knight said. "and it looks like they found something." shakara said.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 70: All That You Are (Rising Part II)
"it is ok little cutie the halo projector on the prototype is holding. but not so loud." my lioness said. \ ***the technology is quite remarkable.\*** "it is not of this world overwatch.
An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 11-The Party
It could go 299 miles an hour while sitting two inches lower than a leman's prototype at only an inch. everything on the car,from the tail lights to the speedomer and rpm read out,was all kinds of looking like something out of total recall.
An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 2-Saturday Morning
We were well known all over mississippi,as well as most of the country,people had brought us everything from '57 chevy's to r1 prototypes. it was fun work,and we all loved each other's compony. "heheh,i laughed as i tightened the last bolt,"there in!"
The prototype we saw after eight months of work and if it was just the same hull design without computers, weapons and engines. honestly, we were all very impressed, because this machine looks very scary.
How should I know? Chapter 17: Insanity?
Shine's prototype suit..." "so wait you mean to tell me the only way you were able to keep up with me was because you had the suit?
The Reveal (a fragment)
"now, we are ready to produce our first production prototype, if you will. that will change everything. leo, i am broken. the only thing that exists in me that i was born with is my brain and part of my spinal column. everything else is a machine.