What I would have done on Totodile Day
Inside the pokeball is a barn with a tv with video game. the pokemon are playing a "clapping simulator. nugget is annoyed at the easily entertained nature of the bunch, so he picks a fight with a bear thingy and they all dogpile on him.
lucarios story, ch1
Was on the opposite side of the clearing. sighing i got to my feet and slowly walk over to investigate. i reached under the bush and after a bit of groping i felt a ball that fit perfectly in my palm. i pulled it out and my heart jumped as i saw it was a pokeball
Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 10
I could've just taken out a pokeball then they'd be scared. i sighed as i looked down south boulevard. i didn't know why, but i had to keep going. my mind was nagging me to ignore everyone and follow the voice.
Gotta Catch a Bear! -Gift Story-
She was trapped to that pokeball, forced to serve whoever possessed it. "i miss my family and friends too.." bear broke the silence.
ICG7: In Which There is Chocolate
As of yet i've only collected a few scratches from those last two blows, but if this two on one fight continues it won't be long before i'm in danger of more than just a pokeball. speaking of two on one, where did that damn bird get to anyway?
Journey to another wold ch17
So i pulled out one of my empty pokeballs and hit the enlarge button and set it in between me and the feebas. "the final choice is up to you feebas.
the cute and rare eevee pt4
Well i still have this one" he lobbed the pokeball and out came the arbok, it hissed at the absol, it was still weak from the whippings but it was ready to fight. however absol wasn't, that hyper beam had tried it out, she gasped waiting.
The Human Species Ch. 24 - Twisted Pokémon Professor
"a pokémon, completely immune to pokeballs..." the scientist continued as his face remained expressionless, "truly a collector's item... would that be a possibility?" "whatever..."
pokemon world ((PART TWO))
He walked off not showing he had another pokecard in his other pocket holding more money then the one givin away as he walked out of the center to see the sun beginning to rise from the mountain side and smiled walking off the the pokemart to buy another pokeball
Spiritual Connection
Quilava was bathed in the red light of the pokeball's recall, but... nothing. my heart dropped into the yawning pit my stomach had become. did i break it? did she break it?
Journey to another world pt2 ch80
I finally clipped the last pokeball to my belt and looked up to the nurse. "thanks, but no thanks nurse joy.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 128
They should design pokeball's to reject injured pokemon as well. if a pokemon is unwilling but too injured to resist, i think a pokeball should still refuse to capture that pokemon, you know?