Journey to another wold ch17
#16 of Pokemon Journey to another world
Ch. 17
What I saw really caught me off guard. There was Jenavee in the small stream with a Feebas on top of her head. I just stood there with a look of what in the world happened. Sort of caught between laughing or not.
"Well do not just stand there, help me." I nodded and walked into the stream and grabbed the Feebas around it's tail and picked up and with Jenavee with my free hand. I walked over to the stream bank and set Jenavee down.
"I take it that this guy right here is the reason you screamed." She nodded
"Ya, this thing just jumped up right when I was getting some water. Like it was trying to battle me. That is when I fell into the water." I held up the Feebas and it looked strait into my eyes. "Hay, maybe we could cook that Feebas for dinner, since it was so kind to show up at dinner time."
I shook my head as it looked rather skinny and sickly. I was about to throw the Feebas down stream when Rena came up and bit my pants leg and started to pull. I looked down and saw Rena shake her head with my pants in her mouth, then looked back to the Feebas.
"Are you hungry for Feebas, Rena?" Rena just shook her head again and that's when I saw the Feebas's eyes. In it's eyes I could easily see that it was scared nearly out of it's wits and on the verge of crying. "So what am I going to do with you, hm? Jenavee thinks we should cook you and have you for dinner, where as, Rena thinks otherwise. So what do you want to do there little Feebas?" The Feebas just looked up at me for a moment then turned to look back at the stream. "Well I guess that answers that question." I was about to throw the Feebas back into the river when Rena grabbed my pants leg again and started to pull.
"What has gotten into you Rena? Jenavee could you talk to Rena and find out what she wants." Jenavee nodded and started to talk with Rena. As they were talking I walked back to the river bank and set the Feebas in the shallows so that it could breath again. The thing didn't move for quite a while but after a few minutes of sitting in the stream it started to move, but when it tried to swim away it realized that I still had a good grip on it‘s tail. Just then I heard the soft foot falls of Rena and Jenavee and turned to look over my shoulder and saw them walking over.
"Donovin, Rena says that you should not let that Feebas go, you should catch it." I turned and looked at Rena. Rena nodded to me then to the Feebas that was still trying to wiggle out of my grip. "She goes on to say that it would be a good friend to have and if you are to go into other battles then you would need a water type to balance us out." I turned back to the Feebas and remembered from the previous games that a Feebas evolves into a Milotic. One of the most beautiful water type Pokemon out there.
"Well I would have to agree with you Rena, but I think that choice is up to this Feebas here. I don't know if Jenavee had told you but I don't catch other Pokemon that way." Rena walked over to my left side and sat down while Jenavee walked over and stood next to my right. "Just like Jenavee and you Rena, I wont use you to catch other Pokemon. If this Feebas wishes to travel with us, beyond this little stream and see other larger bodies of water, like the ocean, then thats it's choice. Not mine." The Feebas stopped struggling and looked up to me, obviously interest in the word Ocean.
"The least we could do is give it some dinner as a way of saying that we're sorry for frightening it." I released my grip on its tail and petted it's head fin. "So will you take me up on my offer their little Feebas? Would you care to join us for some dinner?" The Feebas just lay in the water for quite a while then swam up to me and onto the sand. "Well I take it that you are going to take me up on my offer of some dinner then?" The Feebas nodded and I reached into the water and picked up the Feebas and the four of us went back to camp to get some dinner.
For dinner that night, I was thinking of having some spaghetti and meatballs, but since we had a water type I decided to change it a little and have some soup with vegetables. After a little while of pealing the potatoes, carrots, and other ingredients I put them all into the pot to cook. Once the potatoes were almost soft enough to stick a fork into, I added some herbs to the mix. Finally when all the vegetables were fully cook and ready, I pulled out a few bowls. Making sure not to spill a single drop I filled four bowls. I gave Jenavee hers, Rena's I set on the ground, and the Feebas's I set on the ground as well. With that we all started to eat until I noticed that the Feebas wasn't eating.
"What's the matter Feebas? Aren't you hungry?" Just then I heard Jenavee laugh.
"Donovin, I do not think that that Feebas can eat like that." I looked over and saw that indeed the Feebas couldn't eat out of a bowl.
"I guess that your right Jenavee." I laughed. "Here Feebas let me help you with that." So I picked up my spoon and fed the Feebas by hand, sort of. With that we had a wonderful dinner and by the time we were all done the soup was totally gone. "Man I can't believe we ate the whole pot. I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't think I could eat another bite." The rest of them nodded their agreement.
"I would have to say that I am very surprised Donovin. I did not think you would be able to make such a wonderful soup like that." Rena barked her agreement. Even Feebas nodded.
"Well thank you everybody. I would have to say that if you enjoyed my soup, then you will be really surprised when I make tomorrows dinner." They all went wide eyed at that, then smiled. "Well I guess that since we have all finished our dinners, then the appointed time has come."
"And what do you mean by that." I picked up all our bowls and placed then next to the pot so I could clean them a little later.
"The time when Feebas is either released back into the water to go on it's merry way or come along with us." So I pulled out one of my empty pokeballs and hit the enlarge button and set it in between me and the Feebas. "The final choice is up to you Feebas. Either you go on ahead and and touch the pokeball and come along with us or you can just turn around and I will take you back to the stream." The Feebas just looked at me for quite a while. "It's that simple."
"I think it is a little confused Donovin." I nodded and waited until the Feebas slowly flopped over to the ball and lightly touched the activator button on the front. The ball opened up and the Feebas turned into a white light then disappeared into the ball. The ball closed and let off a small ping sound, saying that Feebas didn't put up a struggle and allowed itself to be caught. So I released the Feebas and petted it's head fin.
"Well then, welcome to the family Feebas." I covered my mouth and yawned. "Well I guess that it's getting a little late and I would like to get some sleep." A round of nods and yawns followed, so I turned back to the Feebas. "Well I guess you would like to sleep inside of your ball, right Feebas." It nodded, so I returned it to it's ball then turned to Jenavee and Rena. "Do either of you want to sleep inside the tent with me or inside your balls?"
Jenavee and Rena looked at each other for a moment or two.
"Of course I would love to sleep with you Donovin, but I do not know about Rena here?" So I turned and faced Rena.
"Well Rena, would you like to sleep with the two of us tonight?" She looked into my eyes for a moment then over to Jenavee. I couldn't see this but Jenavee gave Rena a look of 'Don't even think about it'. So Rena shook her head and I returned her to her ball. "You have a good night Rena." I said to the ball and clipped both balls onto my belt.
After washing out the bowls and putting them away in my pack I changed into my night cloths and opened the flap so Jenavee could come inside. I could see that she was a little upset about something but I couldn't place my finger on it. So Jenavee walked in and we crawled into the sleeping bag and we went to sleep. I opened my eyes again and saw that I was in the same dream again. I smiled and walked back to the solitary tree on top of the hill and sat down against it's trunk. This time the wind was blowing just right to play a windy music with the leaves, which sounded like a soft lullaby.
"I believe you were going to tell me about where you came from the last time we were here." I opened my eyes and could see Jenavee leaning over me. I sat up a little straighter and Jenavee sat down next to me.
"Aren't you afraid that if I tell you, I might die again?" When I said this Jenavee's eyes went wide and she looked at me. Her hands went right up to her mouth in a gasp then she quickly shook her head.
"By Mew, I had forgotten that. Please just forget I said anything." I shook my head.
"It's alright this time, Jenavee. I know for a fact that this time we wont be interrupted by me dieing." Jenavee gave me a weird look of how did I know. "Well you see Jenavee, not everything that I have told you about my past is a lie. Most of it's true."
"Then what part is a lie?" I took a long sigh and looked up through the canopy of tree leaves and frowned.
"First off, I want to apologize for telling you a lie. I shouldn't have done that. Do you forgive me?" I turned to face her. Jenavee seemed to take a moment before she said anything.
"Well it depends on why you told me this lie. If you had a good reason for telling me that lie, then I might just forgive you." I nodded.
"Well the part about my home isn't a lie, but the part about me going back there with you and probably the others is." Jenavee turned to look at me. "You see where I come from there isn't any Pokemon, and if I try and bring you back there, there may be a chance that you wont be able to come with me."
"You told me that before. But I guess that if I were to come back where you come from that your home wont be destroyed." I nodded. "So why can I not go back with you to your home?"
"It's the way I got here." Jenavee looked puzzled and reached over and took my hand. "The way I got here involves a lot of pain and you could die from it." Jenavee's eyes went wide. "You see the way I got here, was I was struck my lightning, and in order to survive I think an act of God brought me here where I could survive such near death experience." Jenavee let go of my hand and nodded.
"I see that you still do not trust me with the truth." I grabbed her hand and held it close to my chest.
"But Jenavee, I am telling you the truth. You can look deep into my mind and see for yourself that I'm not telling you some tall tale. Please Jenavee, you must believe me." Jenavee stood up and tried to take her hand back, but I wouldn't let it go.
"Donovin let go of my hand!"
"No Jenavee. I wont let go of this hand of yours. Over the last few weeks that we've spent together I have come to realize that I don't ever want to let go of this hand of yours." I pulled a little harder and Jenavee fell into my open arms. "Can't you see Jenavee. I really care about you and I don't want to let you go. So please, look deep into my eyes and you'll see that I'm telling you the truth." She pushed herself away from me but just far enough to look into my eyes. Then her eyes began to haze over and I could feel something push into my mind. I didn't fight it, I just let it roam all around my mind.
Finally after a few moments I could see tears form in Jenavee's eyes. I lightly reached up and wiped away her tears and smiled up at her.
"Oh Donovin." Was all she said before she buried her face into my chest and started to bawl. After she stopped crying she lifted her head off my chest and looked deep into my eyes again. We only spent a moment looking into each others eyes before I leaned forward and gave Jenavee a soft kiss on the lips. Jenavee was taken back by this but didn't fight it and closed her eyes to enjoy it a little more. The kiss we shared there under that big tree was one that I knew would last for eternity. After what felt like days we ended the kiss. "Oh Donovin, you really do love me." I nodded.
"Now you know the truth, and you also know everything else." She nodded.
"So one day you will return to your world and we will be left behind." I shook my head.
"If there is any way that I can take you to my home, then I am willing to travel to the ends of this world to find that answer. And you know that that is no tall tale." We kissed again and this time the kiss was more then just a simple kiss, it was a kiss that wiped away all your fears, doubts, and worries. "And if there is no such way, then I am willing to stay here with you Jenavee." We shared another long kiss that went even deeper then before as we put forth both our love into our kiss and further.