Twotopia - Chapter 13: More Wilde Times Ahead.
They started their night off with a stay at the oasis hotel before heading out of town.
The Fox General: Fragile Sfox
Animal pens containing sheep and goats were common, along with a large grazing area for the horses, of which there were seemingly thousands, in the grassy area by the oasis.
Rexville 22: Halloween Night Part 3
Keanu and hunter boarded their train to oasis boulevard. at this time there were fewer passengers onboard. "i wonder what november will bring?" keanu softly said as he held his prize basket in his hands. hunter smiled at him as he sat next to him.
New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 5 - "Seen the Light"
Barton lake was their oasis, so why leave? norma used to find that question insulting. she'd had _every_ reason to want to leave. she'd wanted more out of life. still did.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 40: If You Are Going To Be A Bear Be A Grizzly (We Go Down Together Part VI)
"still it is a shame we couldn't spend more time at the oasis." he pouted. "you know we couldn't." i replied, receiving a confused look from the partial beastial. "i had that thing with the consortium for mutual existence today, remember?"
Temple of the Dark Guardian
We did not find an oasis, which was something we needed. i could see why it was still called a death zone even if it was no longer contaminated with aether: without proper supplies, you'll end up dead.
The Search for Ka'Le (5/15)
Yet there it was, an oasis of green in an otherwise bleak and rocky skyline.
Dance of the Blood Moon: Ferris Argensis
Already my name was a legend among merchants and the people of the oasis-lands, but to see what i'd made of the fortunes and fortunes accrued by me, they considered falling to their knees in respect.
Right of Passage
The bar was arrayed on the fourth wall, itself a conspicuously calm oasis in the storm. further in, a few dozen tables and chairs surrounded the dance floor, which is where the vast majority of the occupants had gathered.
The Dying Game
His separate room was an oasis of peace from the ward, ringing with clamour that was never subdued. somewhere, an old bird screamed, swiftly followed by soothing croons and purposeful steps advancing down the corridor. she would scream again, soon.
Chosen of Ashurha II: Blood of the Fallen
In need of a good bathing, her black fur matted with both blood, sweat and sand, and the refreshing water would allow her to push her alchemical monster to its very limits, so she slid out of her clothes and dove into the steaming water of the underground oasis
Indigo Nights- Chapter 11: Paris
Once they're off their second station, they make it to an oasis hidden amongst the art and intrigue of paris. there, a lavish nightclub with commanding marble pillars stands out against the backdrop of the darkening sky.