Polytechnica Zephilyber: pt3

Zephilyber: Finally! The year 3115 and my plan is complete! It took a while but it's worth it. Soon I will take over the world! Turning everybody into cyber people, they will then obey me!! \*evil laughter\* Electro: Uh, sir? Zephilyber: Mm? ...


Setting Sail: Chapter One,

It will get better soon in the next chapters when the mystery and suspence begin but i can't tell you what it is! chapter 2 will hopefully be up soon.

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Tails of the Night (Part 4)

Oh, and you need to wear a blindfold, just something added for a little bit of suspence. but we have to leave when it's getting dark." "sure, i'd love to see anything that you have in mind for me."

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Outland, part 2

.** this chapter had even more suspence and action than the last. i hope you guys will stay tuned and keep reading to see how things wrap up in the next chapter. and please feel free to leave me some feedback. _-seres north_

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I kinda wanted to take a brake from weight gain and i wanted to do something full of action, suspence, and some gay content. i hope you still enjoy! this will be a seven part series and each part will have seven chapters in it, so yeah.

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All the Little Things Chapter 13!

Show support and purchase the finished copy: [18+ Version](http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00N02AGIG) [Clean Version](http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00N02AK7S) * * * [Previous Chapter](https://www.sofurry.com/view/736821) \<- In case you need it.

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New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 5 - "Seen the Light"

5 Norma Cossette had lived in tiny Barton Lake, Kansas since she was a squealing infant. The now matronly raccoon went through twelve years of school in that small town, then fifty-three more working job after job, dreaming of bigger places and of a...

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