Eos 5: The Oasis

He spun around to find a man in a robe craning down to help him up. "the floor's no place for a man like you," he said. "you're no child, not anymore at least. you needn't wallow in the dirt like this." theron got to his feet and faced the man.

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Cabin in the Woods Ch. 01

You were being rude to-" "hmph," the old man spat, looking jules up and down. "to that whore?" curt's jaw tightened. "what the hell did you just say?" "i said-" the old man started.

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Public Opinion

You're a man's man." "he's a fox and shouldn't be trusted." fraily tried to interrupt. then under his breath added. "or maybe a coyote?" "shut up fraily." whortleberry responded. "i don't pay you to think."

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Red fight

Red growls really mad now and charges at the old man.

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Death's Master. Chapter One. (Terror's of War.)

The man requested. finally felo remembered the fellows name. "as you wish vincent." he smiled, helping the man up as they searched for his lover's body. "here she is." felo called out, waiting for the man to join him.

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Chapter One - Dog Fight

The man yelled. "come on you fuckin mutt bite him! do whatever ya can just win this thing!" the man shouted.

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Chapter Two - Troubles In The Park

The man asked. "well aren't all pikachu electric?" kevin asked. "ugh..."

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Survival: Part Three

The scene seemed to freeze to moira just then, the man standing there looking dazed, her arm outstretched, inches from the man's chin.

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He pounded into the first human he reached, his fist ripping through the man's body.without so much as a moment to stop and think, the fox ripped the man in half and swung his leg around, slamming it into another man's head.

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THE HAMMER OF THE ROAD rise of a legend

"lord please look after this man, he was the only man who could keep a pup like me on the straight and narrow and by setting him free you have earned a place in my heart for all time amen" "beautiful man beautiful" said john.

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Shifters: Chapters 9-12

The huge man walked into the cell and made his way closer to the pile of hay on which kai lay. a low groan escaped the man's mouth as he looked down at kai.

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Chapter 1:Hunted

The man and the woman are husband and wife. they are the world's best known scientists. the man is tall, about 6 foot 5. he's wearing pants and a tee shirt. the woman is about 6 foot 3. she was in a skirt and a tank top with a light jacket over it.

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