A luminous vapor emerged from them and filled the sanctuary in seconds. it felt like being enveloped in the finest of down or cloth. "sleep now, and remember nothing," virginia heard raphael say.
Pokémon Battle Simulator
No, he was drowning in the luminous beam. the solar beam ended. ethan's back slammed into something warm. he bounced off, fell through the air, and landed heavily on his left flank.
The legend of a warrior; chapter 11 - The darkest hour of Kesteven - The airport
Killer growled back, his icy blue eyes reduced to luminous slots in the night. "honor... loyalty... tradition. your ideals are useless, dangerous utopias which will bring you and the ones like you to extinction."
Shadows move in pairs
All wanderers in that happy valley, through two luminous windows saw spirits moving musically to a lute's well tuned law, round about a throne where sitting in state his glory well befitting, the sovereign of the realm was seen.
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 1, Part 2, "Steel Or Cardboard"
A luminous clock on the wall reads 5:00 am. the stoat gets out a firecracker strip, careful to stay silent on the whole process as he steps close into the entrance of the barracks.
Chapter 7
luminous helix!" launching a helix of burning light leaving nothing in it's path. "so, who wants to be next?"
Hurricane Kim Chapter 23
Unlike the others who had circuits of luminous filaments chasing themselves in unbroken orbits, those who were suffering from my outburst had dark spots hidden behind layers of gossamer strands of thought.
Spots and Stripes, Part 1; A new home
Glancing away from the tiny, luminous points, zachary's gaze settled on the town, observing the streets as anthros of all kind happily stumbled around in celebration.