Kattar- Chapter 2.

Chapter 2. As usual the palace was easy enough to get into, not many guards, and he was known enough to not be asked by anyone. Unlike any other house in Katter, the palace was made out of two rooms, each one with a giant tree in the middle, and a...

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You're a feline, milty. you don't feel weakness. you aren't weak. you are. you are very weak. i don't feel weakness, she told herself. i'm a feline. and she came to the end of the aisle. and stopped. eyes scanning.

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Calin Regaining the Edge Chapter two

'welcome to den, my name is leonard songmaster.", said the older felin in his rough voice. "i'm pleased to welcome you in my families name.

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Lupirin: Pain - part 3

Adrian let out a dismayed feline chirrup. "mariah!" he protested. "drink!" mariah commanded again. adrian let out a whimper, but picked up the bag. he returned the straw to his lips.

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The Cat Who Lived in a Garden

The Cat Who Lived in a Garden by Winter Once upon a time there was a cat who lived in a garden, down by the shed where the daffodils grew every spring. In the morning she'd stretch and she'd yawn, while she still remembered her dream, then she'd...

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Magical Pet Shop: Joseph

Magical Pet Shop: Joseph Story By CalexTheNeko Art by Terri the Dragon Joseph Owned By VulpineTF "Monster Capture Registered. Generating environment." There was a bright flash of light and then Joseph found himself laying flat on his back....

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Orchid Chapter 1 - Arboreal Whispers

When lazaro first meets orchid, he is charmed by the flower atop the black feline's head. the dragon has heard of the tales of the feline goddess with a flower. but orchid is a man, and lazaro loves him amidst the legends.

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Kari's Amore Chapter 1

Willis watched as the feline girl drifted slowly into slumber, purring contently, uttering a soft 'i love you..' before sleep overcame her.

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All Good Things, Chapter 1

The small fox pushes himself up into the bigger feline's lap, his face a mask of anger and concentration.

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Chapter Five: Yowling in the Light

Reaching sideways in a well practiced motion, he threw the first one and then second tessen at the humongous feline. the blades rolled and spun through the air, heading toward the cat.

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Threads - A Development in The Works

Suddenly the feline had jumped to his side, pulling his head forward to, well, apparently inspect his head. "kiki i haven't hurt myself, i just need someone to pull me to bed."

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Steering One's Future CH2 - Bright Moment

Dark fur of mossy black covered its cat-like physique, except this was no ordinary feline.

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