Kari's Amore Chapter 1

Story by Kai-Koyuo on SoFurry

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#1 of Kari's Amore

~Kari's Amore~

By Kai-Koyuo




A young hanyou drives down the street of a rural Japanese town. His name is Willis Fujihara, a high-school senior, novelist, and Manga artist by profession. Today he was on a simple mission: to find himself a pet. Taking a right turn at an intersection he made his way to the local pet shop.

As he entered, he was greeted by the clerk, an Asian man named Jinn. Willis smiled warmly at the man, an old friend, and walked past him, searching the store for his prize. He scanned the entirety of the shop's selection of animals, from avians to canines to felines, but found nothing of real interest.

"Damn," Willis sighed sadly, " this is the 5th store I've been to in the past week.. and still nothing seems to catch my eye... It's either not what I want, or just too pricey for it to be a regular, every-day house-pet.."

"You will find what you seek my friend.. it may just take time.." Jinn replied, patting his childhood friend on the shoulder, "be patient."

Willis thanked his friend for the reassurance, and left. Once safely in his car, he drove the long way home. It passed through the rougher side of the city, but he could defend himself well, should the need arise.

As he turned down one street, something caught his vision, a large cardboard box marked with the words "Free to a Good Home". Willis decided to investigate, curious as to why someone would leave any animal in such a large box. He approached the box carefully, readying himself should the creature inside become frightened and attack. Once he had gotten close enough to the box, he looked inside, surprised at the site before him.

Inside the box, was a girl.. but not human or demon.. She seemed to be a cat.. a humanoid cat, and she seemed to be rough for the wear; her clothes were in tatters, her two-tone pink fur matted in areas, dirt staining them both. She was also asleep, curled into a fetal position, and shivering lightly. He soon noticed why; it had begun to rain, quite steadily in fact. Stopping for a moment, he considered the choices destiny had set before him; on one hand, she needed somewhere to stay, and someone to take her in. On the other hand.. how would she react.. waking up in a stranger's home, instead of where she was accustomed? He decided to take a chance. Taking off the coat he was wearing, he wrapped the feline in it, and picked her up, taking her to his car, and quickly heading back to his secluded home in the forest.


Once home, Willis unloaded the girl from the car and took her inside, laying her on the plush sofa in the living room. He walked to the kitchen then, deciding that he'd prepare a meal for the feline girl for when she awakened.

Many minutes later, the girl awoke, her eyes opening slightly to see she was no longer on the streets. Just as she was starting to wonder where she was, Willis entered, carrying 2 covered platters.

"Ah, you're awake. Good." Willis stated calmly, his voice soft and velvety.

"I... where... where a-am I? W-who are you?" asked the girl nervously, shrinking away to a corner of the sofa.

"It's alright, I won't hurt you.. My name is Willis; I found you out on the streets, and wanted to give you somewhere better to stay, it was raining after all, we can't have you getting wet and sick, can we?" he replied pleasantly, patting the feline on the head.

"You- you can't be serious.. Y-you're keeping me? I'm just a dingy freak.... why would you want me? And you aren't going to throw me away like him? Th-thank you.."

"I'm serious, you live here now, with me.. and as for being a dingy freak, you aren't a freak, and a little soap and water will clean you right up.. You'll never want for anything while you're here.. Now, eat up, and then we'll get you into a nice, hot bath..."


The two talked while the feline ate, becoming a little more acquainted with each other.. He asked her name, and she giggled, replying"Kari" and that he should have known already, because she was wearing a tagged collar. Willis laughed as well, feeling somewhat embarrassed he hadn't noticed the collar earlier.

Once the feline had finished her feast, Willis led her to the master bath, showing her the controls for the taps and such, and turned to leave, giving her some privacy.

"I'll be right outside," he stated, stepping out of the doorway, "If you need anything Kari-chan, just call."

"Thank you... I-I will.." Kari replied, blushing a bit under her fur as she began undressing, realizing that the door was still open, but Willis was thankfully facing the other direction.

Kari turned on the taps as soon as Willis closed the door behind him, letting the tub fill with hot, steamy water. She slipped into the water, moaning happily as it soaked into her fur and aching muscles. Seeing a large bottle of shampoo on a shelf just above her she squeezed a generous amount into her paws, lathering it a bit, then began washing herself, paying extra attention to the matted areas of her fur. Once done with what she could reach, she tried to locate something to wash her back; finding nothing she covered herself as best she could and called for Willis.

"Yes," he asked, opening the door slightly, "is there something you need Kari-chan?"

"C-could you.." Kari replied, blushing profusely and stammering, "Could you w-wash my back f-for me please.. I..I c-can't reach.."

Willis blushed a bit himself at that; it was a factor he hadn't counted on at all. Everything could go wrong here if he made a mistake; he'd lose her trust, and that's not something he wanted, for both their sakes.

"Alright.." he agreed, "I'll get right on that.. just give me a moment.."

With that said, he rolled up his sleeves and removed the few rings that adorned his fingers before walking in and kneeling on the outside of the tub. He squeezed some shampoo into his hands, and started to message it into Kari's fur lightly.

"Loosen up a bit if you please Kari.." Willis said, "It's hard to get to you when you're tensed like this.."

"I-I'm sorry.." she replied, blushing and relaxing herself a little, "I'm just not used to having a male see me like this... it's embarrassing.."

"It's alright, I understand. You feel embarrassed because you're naked in front of me.. and that's perfectly understandable.. but you don't have to be; I won't do anything you're uncomfortable with."

Kari nodded in understanding, letting herself relax at last, sighing as Willis softly washed and messaged her back. As he reached the base of her tail, she moaned, a shiver running down her spine. Willis seemed to notice this, and paused in his actions.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked affectionately

"N-no.. I'm just a little sensitive there." replied Kari, emphasizing to prove her point.

"Oh.. I see; I'll be more careful then," Willis stated, finishing the job and rinsing the feline's fur of soap, "Once you're ready, come to my room, third door from here on the right, I think I have something you can wear..."


Kari took her time drying off, thinking the whole event over in her head. She felt ashamed at herself for letting that light touch on her tail make her moan out like she did.. Yet she'd wanted it, she wanted him to do it again, to touch her there again and more. She realized where her thoughts were going and snapped herself back to reality before she became aroused. That's something she did not want; to walk in to get some clothes from Willis and him see her thighs matted with her own fluids.. It'd be too embarrassing to handle.

She quickly wrapped a large towel around her slender frame and headed where she had been told. Stepping through the door, she saw Willis rummaging through a large cherry wardrobe; he seemed to be diligently searching for something.

"Ah, here it is" Willis proclaimed, procuring a blue silk kimono from the back of the wardrobe, "I had this made for a fan a long time ago.. but she passed on before it was finished.. poor girl had cancer, this was all she ever wanted.. Regardless, I do believe she'd be happy if someone who needs it wore it. I think it's about your size."

"Oh... well.. that's sad she died before she got it.. but if you think I should have it.. Thank you Willis.. it's very pretty.." Kari replied somewhat sadly but gratefully, putting on the article of clothing. "How do I look.."

Willis looked back at the feline girl, smiling . To be truthful, he thought she looked like an angel, but he decided to keep that to himself, instead replying that she looked like the lovely Ritze, a character from his acclaimed Love Shrine manga.

Kari blushed at this, being compared to a beautiful person, fictional or not, wasn't something she was akin to. Losing herself for a moment, she embraced Willis in a tight hug. She didn't want to let go, she wanted to stay with him like this forever, and that feeling only intensified as, to her surprise, he hugged her back, wrapping his arms around her ever so gently... She wanted to melt.

Willis roused her back to reality shortly after, his arms left her form, and she felt strangely empty inside.

"Seems somebody's thankful.." Willis mused, petting Kari's head lightly, "And in response.. so am I. I'm thankful I found you.. It's been far too lonely out here on my own.. Now I have someone to share my home and my wealth with.. From now on, you're my little kitten, and I promise.. you'll never have to live on the streets ever again. I'll protect you from ever having to go back to that part of your life.."

Kari's eyes teared up at hearing this, and embraced Willis again, crying into his chest from pure happiness. He held her tightly, lightly petting her head and back. The two stayed in this embrace for a few moments before finally letting go of each other looking into each other's eyes.

"I-I'm sorry about that Willis," Kari mewed, sniffling a bit form her previous weeping, "I don't know what came over me.. and... I got your shirt all wet.. I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about my little kitty," Willis replied lovingly, giving her a kiss on the forehead, "You were crying in joy, and you deserve the happiness you felt.. I have more clothes, and this can be dried.. Now, off to bed with you; you've had a long day."

Kari nodded, then was hit with one hard question, "Willis.. where do I sleep?'

"Feel free to take my bed if you'd like, the guest bed isn't the most.. comfortable," Willis lied, "I can always sleep on the couch."

Kari was lost in thought for a moment, contemplating her options. She couldn't just take his bed, could she? Besides, she didn't want him to leave, she wanted him to stay with her, and to hold her in his strong, slender arms...

"W-Willis," Kari stammered nervously, a slight blush about her face, playing with the strap of the kimono "Um... c-could you... maybe s-stay.. with me tonight.. I-I don't want to be alone.."

Willis blushed, she wanted him to sleep with her; again, another unexpected factor. The young hanyou contemplated on this for a few moments, never really coming to a decision. Seeing this Kari, walked over to him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug, nuzzling his chest gently with her cheek.

"Please," She pleaded, "I don't want to be alone anymore.. I want someone there in case I get scared, or I'm cold.. I just want someone to be there.. someone to hold me, and make me feel loved. Please Willis?"

Willis sighed, caving in to Kari's pleas. He wanted to make her happy, and he had promised her to give her what she needed. If she thought she needed this, why should he deny her?

"Alright, my little kitty, I'll stay here with you tonight," Willis began, rubbing the feline's head playfully, "but just tonight."

Kari was both happy and sad to hear this. On one hand, she had gotten him to stay, on the other, he'd only do it once. She whimpered slightly, but resigned to the fact, and climbed onto the bed.

Willis sat down beside her, petting her head a few moments before tucking her in. He lay beside her, removing his shirt to be more comfortable, and she snuggled up to him, laying her head against his well toned chest. Willis watched as the feline girl drifted slowly into slumber, purring contently, uttering a soft 'I love you..' before sleep overcame her.