Rising Anew -Chapter 11, Family and Learning"
"marcerous has the ability to listen to dreams, we dont know how but he listens for dreams we send out, it is dangerous to speak any longer in that way for that reason." purrma replied softly.
Chptr. 5 Beautiful isnt it?
"why dont you come up here?" he asked with a joyful tone. the husky shook his head as he looked down at the ground. "um, howabout i not and say i did?" "what is the big, bad husky afwaid to cwimb a twee?"
The Pack (3)
"we sould be going, even though i dont want to" he said looking at me.
Chapter 17: outbreak part 2/ ascension
"dont worry about it, i managed to eradicate it before it spread any further." galinoth gasped "i just wish there was something i could do for you." naomi said "its allright." galinoth gasped "please dont die." cynder pleaded.
Act 1 scene 1
Helena: your beaty it is, but if that were my fault hermia: dont worry my friend, me and lysander will runaway through the forest tonight and enter another country to live happily ever after.
a white wedding day
And wiggled in his seat "well my love i guess i lied" he looked back to the raod blushing a little. they still had a ways to go beffore the reached vermont.he sighed softly. he still hadnt tolsd james he could get pregnant when he was in heat _hell i dont
Who is it?
They might say "sorry" or they dont want to be a bother, but you never mind. you want to be there! so remember that each time you yourself ask for help, or need a moment. having someone to trust to be there and to mean it.
Digimon: Digi-blast: trouble
" maybe she's deaf, " said jake as he and apemon was having a staring contest "dont blink,dont blink,dont blink" "i rather not ask, " tsume said with a sweatdrop ryuichi pov) ryuichi sigh in relief that they
Chapter 1
"dont mind him lev, he just have a sharp tongue, he dont mean harm eh" with that, he walked out the door and headed to his car. i looked up the stairs and sigh. what have i gotten myself into?
I dont know what happened exactly but when i awoke, i was in the inner most sanctum of the cavern, clutching a polished stone orb close to my chest. i had crawled out of the cavern with the treasure and brought it to my wingbrothers.
Christmas Time
She let go of us and smiled "dinner will be reaady in a bit then we can ahve dessert until then why dont you two go play?" i smled and bowed a bit "thank you so much".
Bound By Destiny - Chapter 1
Know " she anwsered with a tone of utmost care in her voice. " he loved you and still does " demi interupted and looked away from his mothers gaze " i refuse to believe that he never did anything for me i dont even know what he did for a job