The Taste of Terror Chapter 2: Long Term Relationship
He whispered tenderly into the fox's ear, claws running through his captives snowy fur. "he's screaming, alex. he's begging me not to do this." he smirked. "i don't think he's ever struggled this hard, actually. he loves you, you see.
Time to Slay the Dragon?
My "captives" are all here, happy? the others are currently infiltrating the palace, but they would visit from time to time," druk explained.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 1
A reporter cried as loudly as she could as she stood filming next to where the snake warriors held the rabbit family captive. "guys, check it out!" terry said and she pointed at a tv screen in billy's juice bar.
V for Vore
Very clear bulges of feet and paws were visible on the surface of his bare stomach, which also twitched and moved slightly as the last bits of consciousness were fading from his new captive.
V for Vore
Very clear bulges of feet and paws were visible on the surface of his bare stomach, which also twitched and moved slightly as the last bits of consciousness were fading from his new captive.
Ice Howl Part 4
"yes, as you can see, i'm bound to the cave, as a war captive." "war?"
City of the Damned - Chap VII
The female he deemed to be a captive was a small being earth faerie if his nose ever knew it. she spoke to lillith, her tone more defiant then her size. "douta'sults wer edar."
Studies and Reunions
- besides his skeleton, i suppose it might contain evidence of the various experiments he has done during his captivity. and last but not least, breathtaking vistas.
out of this world final chapter.
Asha kelt beside matt and tried to comfort him thing that he was simply tromitized from being held captived. kinzie however had hackd some zin systems and saw what matt and zinyak were doing, she knew why matt was crying, she never told the others. she didnt
Forgotten Worlds 2 - The Mole And The Bird
The two former captives felt as if this mosaic was mocking them with such false freedom. the corridors were also strangely empty of enemies, those that were alive at least.
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Five
The other two captives complicated things, though. just by watching and listening to them the night before, kulgan could tell they were both civilians, had probably never been in a fight in their lives.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 5- Indigo Overgrowth pt. 2
"if anyone gets food, it's me," the ariados hissed at its captive, tightening its string shot to keep the captured spider from touching the pair. the captive spider responded, "fool! they're both mine! let go!"