Mazes and Micros
You just dropped a cage over us." he grabbed at the cage wire and shook it. "you're the ones who decided to just jump a wall." kickaha tapped on top of the cage. "you can't look for traps after the fact. next time show a bit more caution.
Intelligent life part 8
Today there will be a delivery i will get him to open the transfer cage and that's when you will have your chance.
Poem: Freed Chains
The winds of truth shatter the bonds of pain, the cries of pain's heart fade within the lone winds of existence the soul which once caged by the hidden lies of never become, let them fly from the once moral cage of broken promises...
Eagle Transformation
They headed up onto the stage and through a door in the back which led to a large area filled with cages, most of which were occupied by an exotic bird of some kind. there were all sorts of parrots, hawks, and owls.
Angels and dragons ch1
And went to the next cage.
All Hallow's Fright
The small hall like covered patio has a countless number of cages and spookables. their favorites were the snake tank, and the spider cage.
Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 41
It was a stupid animal after all, penned up in a cage. a roomy cage, granted, but a cage nonetheless.
The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Seven
Without waiting for a reply, he raised flicker and brought it down on the cage's lock. the lock shattered under the strength of his armor, and he swung the door open before moving on to the next cage.
Chapter Eight
A sweep of her arm shattered the brittle wooden bars of her cage. she rose quickly and hopped to the ground, taking a few steps away from the cage before taking a moment to stretch.
Tainted Water - Felan
Head snapping up, felan looked around and realized he had walked himself right into a metal cage without even realizing it! a glance down showed some strange, dried-out gel staining the bottom of the cage that seemed to be the source of the scent.
Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 50
Danado, if you -" the words died in her throat as she watched him move inside the cage. slowly... deliberately... every step well thought out in advance.
Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 49
Danado, if you -" the words died in her throat as she watched him move inside the cage. slowly... deliberately... every step well thought out in advance.