Angels and dragons ch1

Story by Angelo Creed on SoFurry

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#1 of Angels and Dragons

Hey there readers this is first story I have posted so go easy on me although I will take constructive criticism but before we get started I should tell you about our hero he is about six foot ten and has blond hair and carries a black blade katana

Angels and dragons

A war raged on for ten years between dragons and angels no matter how many battles were won or lost they were at a stalemate but there war continued.......

Angelo observed the now body littered battlefield, His once white wings now covered in dragon blood, "it never ends does it" he said to his close friend Nelo "no" he replied "how many?" Angelo shook his head "around two thousand casualties" said Angelo; he then turned to his friend "were there any enemy survivors" Nelo gave a look of disgust "to many for my liking my friend" he said, Angelo turned away from the field "I'm going back to camp to wash this blood off" he said and then took flight Nelo soon followed.

Once Angelo finished washing up he went to go see there new captives; he despised the fact they took prisoners so he tried to heal some of there wounds even they where the enemy. Once he got there he looked at them and they looked at him in disgust. He went to the nearest cage which held a purple dragoness still armored he looked at her, she was covered in cuts and by the looked of it her right hind leg was broken she looked at him "It's rude to stare" she snapped, Angelo looked away "my apologies dragon I forget how easily your insulted" he smirked "I wasn't insulted I just don't like drooling over me" now it was the dragons turn to smirk "I wasn't drooling I was inspecting your injuries" he snapped "yeah sure you were" the dragon said still smirking, Angelo blushed "look do you want me to heal you or not" Angelo said, the dragon eyed him "who are you" she said, Angelo smiled and bowed "my name is Angelo and what is your name" "Jade" she replied "pleasure" Angelo started with the broken leg using some herbal medicine he brought with him it about half a hour to fix her up "there I've healed the worse injuries I'll be back tomorrow to check on you" Jade looked at him "why are you helping us aren't we your enemy" Angelo looked at her and smiled "I help those who need help even if they are my foe" he said, he exited the cage and went to the next cage.

It was night when he finished healing the injured dragons he headed back towards his tent were Nelo was waiting for him "I don't see why you bother to help them they are the enemy" Nelo said as Angelo approached him "I don't give a damn if there the enemy it's the right thing to do" Angelo replied as he entered the tent "fine just don't get caught" Angelo's tent was poorly furnished it only contend a small table, a bookshelf, four small chairs and a bed "what will become of the dragons" said Angelo as he sat down "I don't know" said Nelo "you'll be seeing them tomorrow won't again won't you" Angelo frowned at him "I have to check to see how they are" he replied, Nelo shook head "very well until we meet again old friend"

"The same to you as well"

Once Nelo left he started you recall some old memories when like when he and Nelo were teenagers, he remembered him playing ball with his old friend, and he then remembered the start of the war how they were taken away to fight for ten year he fought and killed so many dragons he was the kind of angel that didn't like violence but will act if needed, he unhooked his katana and striped down to his under garments and got into bed, he soon fell asleep.

Angelo got up early to check on the dragons he got dressed hooked his katana to is side and left the tent.

Jade couldn't sleep not just because she was a prisoner but because of that strange Angel, they were enemies yet he helped heal her leg "hello" her thoughts were interrupted; it was him "oh, it's you" she growled when he looked at her he spoke again "how's your leg"


"Any itching, numbness"

"I said its fine"

The angel gave a quick nod "very well then" he turned and went to the next dragon, she kept wondering why he was being so friendly to them they were enemies not friends. When the angel was about to leave she called out to him "hey you" the angel turned to her with an annoyed look on his face "I have a name" he called back, she rolled her eyes "whatever" she said when he approached he said "is there anything wrong" she replied "why do you fight?" he raised an eyebrow "to defend my homeland" she frowned "then why do you destroy our cities and village's" he looked shocked "we've done nothing of the sort"

"Tell that to my dead family"

Angelo was stunned he didn't have any idea that his kind was doing such things "I had no idea" her frown faded "how can you have no idea that you friends are going around destroying our land" he looked at her "I will confront our commander about this" he said and with that he turned and left heading for the commanders tent.

Angelo barged into the commander's tent "YOU NEVER TOLD ME WE ARE DESTOYING CITIES" Angelo's anger clearly surfaced, the commander stayed calm on the other hand "you have forgotten your place Angelo" he said, Angelo calmed himself "my apologies" the commander nodded "these are times of war Angelo we must spread our message" Angelo suppressed more of his anger but replied "but it makes no sense to kill those who have nothing to do with this war" the commander closed his eyes and sighed "when it comes to war everyone is involved" he said, Angelo just shook his head "you've gone mad" he then walked out of the tent, cursing his commander. It was now night but Angelo was nowhere near tired so he head to see how Jade was doing. Jade was still awake by when he got there "you still awake" he asked


"Can we talk?"

She raised an eyebrow "about what?"

He gave a sad sigh "about anything I just want to get my mind off something" she pitied him "alright I'd like to know more about you angel's" he smiled "then lets begin".

I hope you all liked this story so if you did please comment and I'll continue this series

This is the angel of darkness sighing off.