Transformed Struggles- 4
The two of us begin walking on again and i give thought to some things, trying my best this time to keep the three standing around in that room in my head from hearing them.
Rose- The Duel Part 1
So instead i try my best to come up with some form of ice spell, seeing if perhaps that's what could be used to do some actual damage.
Not All Men Are Wolves (Chapter 5)
I return to my bed and try my best to fall asleep, ready to try and confront tomorrow. ** **
Classic Rock Club Prologue
I tuned him out and tried my best to win a staring contest with the clock. yeah. it was gonna be a really long one.
Moheom Adventure- Prologue
"it's hard to answer you all when you speak at the same time, but ill try my best. i'm doing good, now that you're here, im now 8 feet and 10 inches, and it's really nice to see you as well."
Lost with Life Chapter 2
Also if you see any problems, just tell me and i will try my best to fix them as hastily as possible.**
The Beginning of a New Race: Chapter Five
Oh well, just trying my best under the current circumstances.
Chapter 9 (Todd/The Canler)
I try my best mirror his obviously fake friendly tone. "his father? i thought i already met his dad." "his other father." when i say that, he smiles again, like he's an owl that just found another mouse. "other father? so you mean-" "i'm gay."
Chapter 6
I try my best." the teacher laughed. he pulled out his inhaler and pressed it against his mouth, he pressed a button at the top of the inhaler and coughed. bonnie shrugged, "maybe i should switch to art." "what would ya be missin' out on?"
Calmer Heads
I shall try my best through hunter gwen, i don't like seeing him this way." i nod in agreement as she then steps forward staring at moonbeam. after a few minutes moonbeam calms down and stops struggling, "whoa duuuudes what are you doing?"
Devolvers - The Excuse | Chapter 7
I looked at the mounds of blankets, empty water bottles, and various snack wrappers on me, trying my best to sit up, letting out a long groan along with the motion.
Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 24
I try my best, but you've always been so much better at this than me. i just..." there was a long, drawn out sigh, and then banno heard more footsteps, very muffled because of all the wood it had to travel through now, but they were going... up?