Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 14: Final Stand Pt 2

Yet, the wormhole necrozma had created remained open, and more of its fellow beasts were coming through; lord hizashi seemed to be attempting to fight his way toward the wormhole, but his army was being kept at bay by yet more of the beasts. "damn...

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Windows to the Soul - chap. 25-26 - by Skyfox [end]

She paused again to reposition the wormhole and fire on another kra ship. "better yet, i keep making them shoot at each other when i place the wormhole at one ship and fire at another ship."

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Wind of Change: Chapter 4

It's scientifically impossible to have a nebula forming natural wormhole without the relay gates. the combinations of matters that formed it make it virtually impossible to have a stable wormhole opening inside a nebula."

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The shields of the cruiser held them together, and then the cruiser closed the wormhole behind them.

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New Crew (Freedom Planet TF/TG)

The trio seem to twist and turn throughout their adventure through this kind of wormhole. it was going by so fast, everything an odd mix of colors. as they began to reach the end of the wormhole the trio's bodies began to alter.

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Out of Time, Out of Space (Full Story)

"when can you have the wormhole ready?" i ask. "computations have already started. it can begin whenever you like. once your tardis powers up, i will start the wormhole. ryt, it is advised that you stand clear before it starts."

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Space Story Tech level

Each gate is really two gates, both holding open a man made wormhole that connects one system to another.

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Arcturus, Intro and Reference.

It takes large amount of energy to send a ship to it destination via a wormhole shortcut, shortens trips from many years to just a few hours.


Grease Monkey Ch.7

Pollux responded "well, it means that with that kind of change in velocity, it is likely a ship, and furthermore, it was using pure speed, since it didn't emerge from a wormhole during that change in position.

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Last Gasp of a Rare Breed of King

I prepare to leave this depressing, destitute alien castle behind me by focusing and using my claws to open the wormhole i need to get to my destination but before i can enter the king speaks again.

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Windows to the Soul - chap. 11-12 - by Skyfox

Second, you would have to be able to control where the other end of the wormhole goes as you told me your researchers seem to think is possible.

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