Canai Lore, Chapter Seven: Bridge to Cross

Several males from differing clans honoring the tradition of raiding an ancestor's grave for a sword to bring back, proving his worth.

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New Commission Prices (SFW)

Fit-in/150x150/filters:no_upscale():origin()/pre00/f6fe/th/pre/f/2016/311/3/8/avarice_portrait_by_feanor_the_dragon-dano6ui.png)]( "avarice portrait by feanor-the-dragon, nov 6, 2016 in traditional

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There's No Way, Chapter 58

They are the traditional, modern traditional, traditional modern, and the modern. each of these ceremonies has its own unique traditions.

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Aspiring Authors Toll Road to Publication

traditional publication traditional publishing is a sacred right of any author wishing to be published, assuming they can get past the hurdles that determine quality and what the market is in the mood for consuming.

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Daily life in Abun: Ten facts (Part I)

**1) The Abunese care about their hygiene** In Abun, cleaning and washing is considered a sort of ritual, called **Irul** (which means "cleansing" in Abunese), in which the Abunese must take a warm bath two times per day: the first when he/she got...

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Nether Encyclopaedia: Deep Ones

traditions:- they don't have a certain tradition.

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Nether Encyclopaedia: the Celestials

traditions:- they tend to gather in the main temple to meditate.

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Nether Encyclopaedia: Dune Riders

traditions:- the dune riders don't have a certain tradition as a whole, but the royal family tend to hold parties for the kings/emperors as an anniversary party of when they took the throne.

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No One Should be Alone on Christmas

The pokemon partnered to humans picked up the tradition from their people and spread it among the wild pokemon. even some of the legendaries enjoyed the tradition.

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Lore: Regulian Alphabet

The traditional script uses a system of three lines with almost infinite variations based on angle, distance apart and in some cases, thickness.

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Bronze Age Anthro Notes (WIP)

No doubt necklaces, and bracelets would be worn as well, with the female armor tradition surely emerging from the jewelry tradition with likely heavier beads, rigid collars, and large bracer-like bracelets before specialized armor is made in the early bronze
