27 Coat

Finally, a fresh coat of wax was layered over the top, giving the shell a sheen with a gloss far exceeding what nature intended, allowing him to stand out in a world with few like him. "same time next month?" the beetle nodded.

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Undyne time!!!!

She began to apply this to frisk's nails, turning them a bright red sheen much like her own. she then took out a bottle of hair dye. she sprayed it a bright red colour, the same colour as the nail polish. frisk wondered what she was doing.


Lazy Day

The short hike, enough to warm the bodies of the pair up was a faint memory at the moment, remembered faintly through the fading pleasant burn of muscles exercised and the slight sheen of sweat, bringing it's own scent to the bouquet of the mountainside picnic

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No Longer Alone

The buildings looked organic like oily sheened cacoons and were connected by tubes, no doors just lots of openings.

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Gooey Drops

But this snake... it was completely different than anything the man had seen before, its scales carried a sheen unlike any other snake.

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True colours that I seek.

sheen of the bronze-wing; blue of the crane; fawn and pearl of the lyre-bird's train; cream of the plover; grey of the dove - these are the hues of the land i love.

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Forging of Shadows

The only thing she is able to discern is that they have matte obsidian fur, not even a sheen from the burning buildings are coming off them, a mouthful of sharp fangs and teeth, and two large horns crowning these monstrosities.

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Zach - Chapter II

"fuck, i don't know sheen..." red said before the panther walked forward, surprising his two friends and further making the feline's gut plummet. "well, if you guys won't, i will...fuck i need to relieve some freaking tension." the panther said.

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Vulcan Automata - Hiring Practices - Part 6

The final plates enclosing his legs and waist taking on a smooth, rubberised sheen as they finished locking into place.

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A Moment Of Beauty.

Wind washes over scales like water cascading over rocks hidden beneath its glassy sheen. black the color of the darkest onyx lazily peers across the heavens. large wings slowly move up before flashing down.

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His eyes were a odd color even for a dragon - a silver sheen coated them both...like a mirror into your own soul. his wings and claws seemed just slightly too big for his body, the bottoms of his wings almost dragging on the ground if he slouched.


I Liked That Shirt...

His body felt like it was burning up, a thick sheen of sweat washing across him and dampening his fur. his chest heaved against his shirt, stretching it out to the brim and then some.

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