Forging of Shadows
#2 of Concepts
Concept I have been playing around with for a while. Depending on feedback, I'll finish it and perhaps make it a series.
Feel free to criticize. I can take it :) My grammar isn't all that great.
A smell of fire and smoke filled the late night air. An amber glow of flames filters through the lone window of the room. A vulpine women, in her early adulthood and with rusty red fur covering most of her body, slept soundly in the small lived-in room. Next to her is a wicker bassinet, her newborn kit dreaming silently next to her.
Smoke began to creep through the window and slowly into the woman's dream world. She stirs, slowly gaining consciousness. She recognizes the scent of burning wood, she shoots up to assess the situation and springs out of bed, and steals a glance at her son. He remains sound asleep despite the smoke. She walks toward him to check on him. Just as she reaches the young kit, a scream pierces through the thin wooden walls.
She bounds over to the window to see what is unfolding outside. The sight is unforgettable. So many dead bodies lay strewn about the street below. Young and old, men and women. Their blood staining the cobblestone road. Hulking behemoths are standing over the corpses, some eating and gnawing on them. The only thing she is able to discern is that they have matte obsidian fur, not even a sheen from the burning buildings are coming off them, a mouthful of sharp fangs and teeth, and two large horns crowning these monstrosities.
She finally sees where the scream came from. An old grey female coyote, Lafia, a major voice and power in the village, is being devoured in front of the Fox - woman's eyes.
She snaps her head back towards her kit. His red eyes are open now, wide with fear. He knows something bad is happening, but he looks at his mother in silence, not even whimpering. She walks over and bundles him up tight and hushes him, cradling him tight. She knows that their only choice is to run.