A Fighting Chance

He punched nike back and he recovered. "supersonic!" his eyes glowed as nike stared got started stumbling. "solarbeam!" it struck down onto nike as he also woke up. "focus" comet focused intensely as nike slowly began to recover. "punch!"

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Reach to the Heights, Light Overcomes

Can't recover without a hand helping but will lift again self-assured and fight for soul dying and the being living, recovering from strikes thrown by the sin; mentality lost and spirit sold cheap.

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Zootopia 12/13

I thought i had posted this) as the group recovers from their ordeal, chief bogo helps tie up a few loose ends... part 12 there was that sound again, a constant beep, beep noise that roused chase from his sleep.

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Calin Regainig the Edge Chapter Three

Priority on recover of the log, manifest, and charts. capt. l wants to send any evidence we recover to the fpm. she believes this ship has been running supplies to slavers and needs those records so the fpm can look for clues on their side of the fence."

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Lost Into the Past Chapter 12

That'll give nathan plenty time to recover..." thurston muttered as he left the rocket train and started rushing back to his house with nathan.

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Nothing Greater: Chapter 5

There i can recover, and you'll notice that this mountain is littered with homes for all of you as well."

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Legend of the Dovahkiin (WIP)

Before they could recover, i pushed forward with both arms. my sword sunk into his chest, while i pushed the second away with my shield. i unsheathed my sword from the mans chest, and watch him stagger and fall backwards.

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Burdens - Chapter 126: Waiting

He needed to recover before he could become independent once again. while he had the wolf to help him with anything he needed, it was not what he wanted in life.

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Syn and Arial: The Duel

Syn, although surprised, followed through on the blow, rolling away and trying to gain some distance so he could recover.

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5. Consequences

Her two options are taking full control now or letting winter continue on as jake recovers.

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False Peace

It was thought best if they were not recovered by friends and family. there were long days of tense rest and waiting. the squad had to find ways to keep themselves occupied. anika found relief in running, often joined by lcpl johns or lt johan.

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