I stepped out of the prototype and approached their the white utility vehicle.
for paranormal investigators, they were awfully lite on tech. or was it mostly mobile?
Aardwolf, Adventure Series, Avian, Bear, Cuddling, Epic Adventure, Hedgehog, Humans, Hyena, Investigation, Leopard Cat, Monkey, Panda, Paranormal, Plot Development, Short, Story Series, Totally Screwed, Wallaby, caracal, haunting, margay, orangutan, protestors, prototype, sand cat, terror
He sighed in relief as his meticulous maintenance on the prototype android has finally paid off. he was always questioned on why he maintained and added slight modifications to the decommissioned prototype, out of his own pocket even.
Action, Anthro, Canine, Robot, Sci-Fi, Wolf
The brutality of the beating he had administered to the wolf prototype still shocked him, even now, hours later.
Abuse, Action, Antarian_Knight, Anthropomorphic, Collaboration, Discipline, Male, Military, Plot Development, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Series, Story Series, Violence (Not In Yiff), Wolf, child
The blue prototype crash landing in a forest on a mysterious mountain.
Badger, Bear, Centaur, Clueless Transformation, Concert, Deaths, Debriefing, Drama, Fennec, Genets, Group Urination, Humans, Husky, Hypnosis, Lioness, Long, M/F, Mongoose, Mountain, Naga, Plot Development, Plot Progression, Prototypes, Rhino, Sabretooth Tiger, Sex Therapy, Yeti, harpy, sentinel, shimmer, strategy, triad, wilderness
Shortly after they produced a prototype suit, in the form of a humanoid wolf before it could test a sharp test, they came the announcement from the government, on the conclusion of research equipment and its liquidation.
Livingsuit, Mystery, Treachery
\* **
"assume control of the prototype and take us down."
the chasm was about thirty feet deep with steep walls. halfway down on a ledge was a snow covered something. trance immediately jumped out of the prototype to retrieve it.
Adventure, Avian, Bear, Blizzard, Everything Has Changed, Game, Golem, Humans, Lodge, Long, Prejudice, Salamander, Shadow creature, conspiracy, deception, monsters, prototype
I convinced the senior knight to take the prototype to the north-side of the city across from the park where that gang of nagas were turned into trees.
Adventure Series, Bear, Caprine, Cheetah, Doppelganger, Epic Adventure, Fantastical, Foxes, Investigation, Long, Mind Probe, Mission, Plot Development, Ram, Resurrection, Serial, Snow Owl, Story Series, Tiger, goats, prototype, scientist
After recalling the probe back to the silver coupe, the he beast piloted the prototype to the far east side of the city, a heavily wooded neighborhood of nice upscale houses that were near a forested area.
Bay Cat, Boar, Capture, Cheetah, Dark, Death, Eagle, Forced Transformations, Foxes, Gazelle, Goat, Humans, Kodkod, Lab experiments, Lioness, Mission, Moose, Mystery, Owl, Punishment, Ram, Resurrection, Satyr, Search, Snatched, Surveillance, orangutan, prototype
"overwatch take control of the prototype!!! hover mode now!! addy to me!!"
"schwee!!!" the blue slime shouted.
**\*sidepods engaged.
Akita, Attempted Abduction, Badger, Bear, Caprine, Chakat, Epidemic, Fear, Fursuit, Groundhog, Horse, Humans, Hybrids, Lioness, Maned Wolf, Mole, Nudity, Plot Development, Plot Progression, Prototypes, Relationships, Skunk, Slime, UFO, Wombat, dining, panic, rescue
I was not a warrior and without the prototype i was powerless to do anything. but even if i could who do i help first? corey and shakara? russell? lady ursa? rhinox?
Bathing, Bear, Everything Has Changed, Examination, Fear, Gargoyle, Horse, Humans, Humor, Lioness, Lizard, Mongoose, Mortal Kombat Reference, Night Creatures, Plant, Re-spawning, Regeneration, Rhino, Short, Totally Utterly Screwed, Werewolf, Wounding, attack, burial, confrontation, eyeballs, mauling, monsters, prototype, resolution, swearing, terror