A Dream Realized 4

Within a few minutes they found the pond without encountering any more wild pokemon and sat down at the edge of water, watching as mist and orin looked at the water of the pond in curiosity. john watched them before kicking off his boots to relax.

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Mesozoic Park (Part 4)

"i got two things to tell you" i said "first, is that i'm going to be building a duck pond for dino-ducks.

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The Mosquito Boy - The Law of Mosquito

The island would have to be large, so the body of water would not be considered something humiliating, a pond. one could deduce that a puddle would be far more pathetic than a pond, because puddles aren't as cool as ponds or lakes.

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Chapter 8: No Walk in the Park

The pond seemed much cleaner than he had remembered, with so much more life. the basketball court that was just beyond the other side of the pond was filled with little kids shooting hoops and trying to dribbled and run at the same time.

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Among the Ashes Part 2 [One-Hour Story]

He stumbled upon a pond and sat down. the water was calming to his troubled mind and he watched a frog devour an insect hovering low above the pond.

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Anthro Sex Squad Story 3 - Oaky's Story; Chapter 1

They would run off then, securing his lineage and consummating their union in the sacred pond. after this, the rest got their chance. this year, however, was to be different.

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Secrets Ch. 7

I stumble on a clearing that has a small pond in the center. i reach the ponds edge and find a large enough rock to sit on and drop my gear beside me as i look down at the waters frozen surface.

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That's what I need, A human to rescue me.....

She looked toward the pond as the blinding light started to subside, nothing appeared at first, but just then a small body floated face up to the surface.

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University year (part 1)

I sit on a bench near the edge of a man-made pond, feeding the wild black ducks and he two domestic mute swans.

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Part 7 - Christmas & Part 8 - A New Year

I kinda wanted to show tracey the duck ponds today." i reply, hoping he'd agree to let me take her. "o-o-h, the duck ponds." my dad teases. "okay, sure. just don't do anything i wouldn't. he teases me some more.

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The Awakening

A small stream crossed my sight, running from a pond to my right. the pond looked to be about half the size of an olympic swimming pool, getting deeper as it got closer to a stone wall behind it.

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Exchange, Part 2

He didn't stop running until he reached the pond that bordered the forest. he probably would've kept going if he hadn't tripped on himself. he looked into the pond and saw a lion staring back at him. he lashed at the water with his hooves.

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