Dominion Khajiit Chapter 1
Even orcs find us attractive." "eugh... now there's a choice," another one said. "which race would you least like to bed? orcs, khajiit, or argonians?" "pft!" one of them said. "you don't bed orc women; they bed you!"
Reincarnated as an Orc in a Fantasy Land Ch. 3
Most orcs didn't leave home. it was a rare thing for an orc to leave their village, the rumor of an orc prodigy who could heal an old wound.
Cosmic Love: A Star Fell
The scene is set in a medieval time with orcs, ogres, demons, and battles.
Mark'ha Was a Strange Orc
The orc, she looked down at his application (which was written in shockingly neat cursive) was called mark'ha. mark'ha was a different kind of orc.
The Death of Worlds - Chapter 1: Prophecy
It was not extremely fancy, but the orc had been in worse places before.
The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 11: Camp
"you're ugliest firefly i've ever seen." orc said with groan. "and you are ugliest dummbag i have ever seen." sparx said, gave ugly gesture back and flew away. "why you...!" orc groaned loudly and ran after sparx.
The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 17: Questioned
Spyro snarled to orc front of him who where locking up the chains into hooks. orc backed nervously and spyro gave grin to him what made orc feel cold shiver on his spine. "that's right... you all should fear me for your lifes."
The Shadows of Tomorrow- Meeting of Casifus
Casifus and kane walked out of the orc cave to never see it again.
Wasteland Survivor – The hammer - ch31
The orc meanwhile was whimpering. it was a few hours later, a quick bit of healing by ryst and a warming cup of tea that the orc was finally talking.
Reincarnated as an Orc in a fantasy Land Ch. 9
The orc asked, perplexed. the dwarf looked up at the orc and sighed softly. "i did." he states, trying to sound proud of the fact, the orc nods slowly. "ahh." gurak's reaction affected the dwarf who slumped slightly. "was it that bad?"
Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 3: An Orc's Ambition
He trusted his elder more than he trusted the other orcs.
The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 16: Play and fight
Unluckily most of the orcs dodged it with ease but when it hit one unlucky orc huge explosion literally turned him and few around him into ashes in a instant and shockwave sent many other orcs flying far away.