The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 16: Play and fight
#16 of The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the Past
Chapter 16 - Play and fight
"Ei..." Markus whispered before he fell unconscious. Ranger's body lied surrounded by wolfs' corpses and his clothes where tore up and red from blood. He has been able to tie up the worst injuries put minor wounds still bleed weakening him every passing second even further. His breathing where irregular, intermittent as well as heavy and heart barely pumped under his chest. His subconsciousness still fought for ranger's survival. Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours and Ranger still kept fighting. He lingered between faint line of life and death. Sun began to rose over horizon and sun rays hit him, warming his cold body slowly and giving more energy for his struggle and very slowly live began to get upperhand from death. Breathing came easier and heart began to pump more frequently but he was still far too weak to wake up.
Sunlight hit on sleeping trio from between whickered tree's branches and Cynder began to stir from her sleep. She took deep yawn and opened her emerald green eyes. Clouds has started to gather together, telling it might get raining soon. Cynder broke the hug carefully so she wouldn't wake Spyro up but once she pulled herself away cold breeze touched Spyro's exposed belly and he shivered a bit. Cynder stretched her limps and took another deep yawn before she sat down next to Spyro and chuckled when she saw Spyro trying to scoop closer to her while sleeping where she had slept moment ago. Regardless the muscular and scared body of his Cynder thought he looked very cute and she kissed gently Spyro to his cheek. Spyro opened his eyes and look into Cynder's emerald eyes before he was forced to take deep yawn.
"Good morning cute purple." Cynder said and giggled a bit more.
"*Yawn* Good morning. What you're giggling at?"
"To you. You look so cute when you sleep."
"Cute?" Spyro asked confused. 'I am cute?' He thought and began to blush.
"Forget about that cute, you look adorable now whit that red face of yours." Cynder teased Spyro out even if she meant every word what she just said.
"Wha... I... What?" Spyro cheeks turned wide red. Cynder just watched him with dreamy eyes and with big smile. Spyro felt both confused and embarrassed and he tried to hide his face. Cynder chuckled.
"Awww Spyro, don't be like that. There is no reason of being embarrassed if someone says you're cute." Cynder spoke with warm and soft voice and she bent and lowered her head at same level with Spyro.
"Besides, I love when you are so blushed." Cynder whispered to his ear. Spyro turned his wide blushed head towards Cynder and before he knew it Cynder where already giving passionable kiss to him. Spyro's eyes went wide and his wings shot up from surprise and Sparx who has slept whole time under his wing, dropped on ground on his head.
"OWW!" Sparx shouted and scratched his head before he flew up from ground.
"What that was... Not again." Sparx said partly anxious, partly in disbelieve and continued scratching his head.
"Stop being so cuddly for once. I think giving a huge lumb on head is more than enough to wake me up but you just do everything to make me feel even worse." Sparx continued anxious and folded his hands on his chest and giving his deathglanze on both dragons but especially on Cynder. After two dragons their kiss slowly and became aware their surrounding world.
Spyro turned his head towards him. "Oh, sorry about that Sparx" Spyro said with faint smile.
"You know what? You two need to do something else for a change... something which don't make me feel sick." Sparx began to think.
"And what that would be?" Cynder asked wondering what he is up this time.
"I dunno... but now I try to find some breakfast. Your so called ancestors help you if I find you having your dragon love again. Bye!" Sparx flew off before either Spyro nor Cynder could say anything.
"He is lifefull for a change don't you think Spyro?" Cynder noted after a moment.
"I am glad he feels a lot better than yesterday but it looks like he haven't actually accepted our relationship yet."
"I'm sure he will come over it sooner or later."
"I think it is far later. Hungry?"
"A bit." Cynder said quickly and licked his cheek one and raced into sky. "Race you there purple eye!" She shouted from a distance. Spyro shook his head before he gave wide grin and flew after her.
"Oh you're not getting away so easily this time Emerald!" He shouted after her. Spyro Flapped his wings sharply and increasing his speed every flap he made with his wings, just like day earlier but Cynder where getting away no matter how hard he tried to keep up with her.
Cynder glanced behind briefly and chuckled when she saw her hero had some minor problems in keeping up with her. She began to sweep view ahead of her with her eyes to see anything potential to her to eat for breakfast and in few moments she saw lone hare fleeing her. Without giving second thought she began to chase it and lunged towards it and grabbed it easily into her foreleg's claws. Cynder landed gently on her hindlegs and just when she where about to eat her prey she startled when Spyro flew just above her head, almost touching her. Spyro circled around and landed front of her laughing. Cynder's chocked expression turned into frown
"Hehe... Surprised you didn't I?" Spyro said panting slightly.
"you almost gave me heart attack!"
Hee... ahem... I'm sorry if I startled your tail off but you have to admit, you didn't expect that." Spyro said and tried to hold his laugh.
Cynder began to calm down. "Well there you are right. What took you so long?" Cynder began teasing Spyro for revenge. "Or am I too fast for you hmm?"
"Well... I..." Spyro tried to say something but got too embarrassed. He had just 'lost' to a girl. Cynder chuckled.
"I take that as yes." She said with a smile. Spyro decided to play a small trick on her. He turned his attention on something imagined thing behind her.
"Sparx, what is that?" He tried to say curious and pointed where he was looking. Cynder looked behind her even if she knew Spyro was up to something again and indeed he was. Cynder saw Spyro trying to reach her breakfast on corner of her eye, she pulled her meal closer to her, turned her head back and pushed her head over her meal to protect it.
"Na-a. You get your own meal." Cynder giggled
"Aww... Not even a small snack?" Spyro chuckled
"Nope" Cynder shook her head slightly
"Hehe. Be with you soon!" Spyro Said before he launched into sky. Cynder grinned after him before She turned her full attention on her breakfast and began to eat.
Meanwhile few dozen miles away at north north-west. Markus began to came concious again. He welt really cold and he shivered all over. He opened his eyes slowly and closed them again as light just dazzled his eyes. He tried to lift his arm over his head to cover his eyes from brightness but hand felt extremely heavy and it dropped back on ground. Markus tried again and slowly he brought it over his eyes and he opened his eyes. First thing he saw was slightly bale looking hand trembling over his head. In a few moments his eyes got used to brightness and he lowered his and back on ground. His thoughts where still a bit fuzzy and he had problems to keep his thought on one thing at the time. He pulled his next to him and pushed himself in order to get sitting. Markus' arms shook violently but he was able to get up sitting.
Markus glanced around and saw few wolfs' corpses around him and he remembered what has happened. He had fought against wolfs last night and got almost killed by them and in a moment second thought shot into his mind; wounds. He looked himself with haste side to side over and over again and he gasped as he realised he is covered by dried blood but got relieved when he took closer look on his wounds, most blood ain't his. Bleeding has stopped from smaller wounds during his unconsciousness and he has been able to tie up the larger ones before he dropped out cold. Feeling both thirsty and hungry and besides how much he hate the idea he had to eat some of the wolfs meat he had killed last night even if there is no telling is their meat still eatable. bellyache is a small price for survival he thought.
He tried to lower himself back on ground but his arms collapsed and he fell on ground with loud thud. After he came over the small pain back on his head Markus turned slowly on his stomach, took his knife lying on ground and crawled very slowly on nearest dead wolf. Even wolf where just few feets away distance felt like he have crawled miles to get to it. After he had reached it he paused for a moment to catch his breath again he began to remove wolf's pelt from it for keeping himself warm. His work was slow and his uncontrollably trebling hands make it difficult but he managed to skin the wolf properly and after second pause Markus began to eat raw wolf meat small piece at the time. It tasted terrible but he tried to eat much as he could anyway and for thirst he cut hole into wolfs artery and drank some of the blood which poured out from it. After he was done he where about to vomit but all eaten meat stayed inside. Feeling a bit sick he turned on his back and just rested, thinking what he should do now. He was still too weak to move away from bodies and it would be foolish to try rest in middle of them. There is no telling what kind of creatures rotting corpses might attract.
Ranger haven't been awake longer than hour, two tops and he felt already tired and sleepy but he refused to give in and instead pushed himself up sitting again. After he believed he was stable enough to free his hands from supporting his balance he cleaned up all the blood around his wounds and untie quickly made ties to see how bad they where. As he feared most of his new wounds has amped and his reopened wounds on his right arm where on worst condition, both old and new wounds where turned bright red and it felt both hot and painful to touch. He retied most of his wounds again, turned around on his belly and began to crawl away. It took almost hour to get only about 70 meters and which felt like miles. Unable to crawl any further he took small wolfpelt he has dragged along, placed it on himself, took fetal position and began resting a bit shivering from cold and sun has hidden itself behind clouds. He decided to say awake no matter what but soon as he tried to relax tireness overpowered him in a instant and he fell into vast asleep. While he slept clouds gathered into sky and hid sun behind them.
Two hours earlier back with dragons. Spyro and Cynder has finished their breakfast and has flew back to Sparx who seemed to have minor problems with his stomach's digestion.
"Oooohh... my stomach." Sparx whimpered while two dragons continued laugh at him
"Hahaha! You... You never learn what to eat." Spyro managed to say while laughing.
"But they where so huge and tasty looking beetles. Ooofff..." Sparx turned around and vomited. Both Cynder and Spyro couldn't hold it any longer; they totally burst out loud uncontrollably laughing so hard that tears where coming out from their eyes.
"Yeah yeah go ahead and lau---Omff!" Sparx hold his hands front of his mouth trying to keep consumed food inside.
"You know a real brother would be at least concerned or something." Sparx managed to say after a moment.
"Hahaheheha! Sorry... Haha! It is just you never learn... Hehe... ahee..." Spyro began to calm down and he poked Cynder to make her calm down as well. She swept her eyes from tears.
"Sorry Sparx." Cynder said, clearly trying not to burst out again.
"So, what we should do now?" Sparx asked.
"Well, we might just go and travel all the way back to temple far east." Spyro answered.
"But that could take weeks if not months to get back." Sparx began to protest
"You have better idea then?" Spyro
Sparx lowered his head. "Nothing that comes into my mind right now."
Smile began to grow on Cynder's face as she looked Spyro. "Oh I have small idea." Cynder said with soft voice. Sparx noticed how Cynder where looking on Spyro and flew quickly between them.
"Oh no nonononononono no you don t! Anything else but that!"
"What?" Cynder pretended not knowing what he meant and tried circle around him but Sparx kept blocking her. Spyro chuckled behind him.
"You know what doomgirl, you should do something else for a change which wont make me feel like I need to puke or something."
"Like what?" Cynder asked and kept trying to get to Spyro.
"hide and seek perhaps?" Sparx suggest.
Spyro rose his eyebrow "Play?"
"Heh... only one question. Where you hide?" Cynder asked amused. Sparx glanced around and quickly realised his advice where a bit dum. There would be absolutely no place for two teenage dragons to hide, unless they fly mile away that is.
"Ermh... Good question... Tag?"
"Tag?" Spyro asked.
"Why not? And let's make it interesting, no flying!" Sparx continued becoming exited. Not allowing neither of them to fly gives him a change against them.
Cynder lunged around Sparx and jumped on Spyro making him fall on side, she gave a kiss on his cheek and ran away "Tag! You're it!" She shouted.
"Well you didn't see that coming." Sparx said to Spyro. Spyro stood up and gave devious grin on Sparx.
"Does that mean I think it means?" Sparx said becoming aware that he was up to no good. Spyro rushed towards him.
"Oh nuts!" Sparx shouted and began to fly away from him. And so the trio kept running around on the grassfield between hills who chasing who at a time. Unaware they continued running around like small children when top of the hill orcs began to gather and soon they hid themselves just behind the hill.
"Let them exhaust themselves first, when I say you start hurling those stones at them from up here, got it?" Familiar voice said with a groan and other orcs nodded.
They kept playing almost two hours after exhaustion began to slow them down and surprisingly Spyro was the first one to drop out. He laid down sweating all over and panting heavily and Cynder walked slowly towards him with a victorious grin on her face. She is afterall last one tagged. Clouds has gathered on sky and they hid the sun behind them.
"Tired already? You make this... too easy." Cynder said panting as well.
"What you... expect when both... of you are only... after me?" Spyro said between breaths. Cynder walked front of him and gave long kiss.
"Tag... You're it again..." Cynder said after she broke the kiss. Spyro just shook his head and prepared to tag her or Sparx one more time but before he began to get up his eyes shot wide open.
"LOOK OUT!" He shouted to Cynder and pushed her away moment before large rock smashed on ground into spot where she has been half second ago. Both looked shocked towards where rock has flown from and both frown at the same time.
"ORCS!" Cynder shouted.
"We need to get away from here! SPARX! ORCS ARE HERE!" Spyro shouted to Sparx who was in distance. Rocks of various sizes began literally rain on field. Dragons kept dodging the falling rocks when Cynder prepared to take on air but just in the moment she took first flap heavy rock hit her head and she fell back on ground.
"CYNDER!" Spyro shouted filled by fear and worry and he ran next to her.
"Cynder wake up! We need to go! Now!" Spyro tried to wake her up but Cynder stayed still. Rockrain stopped and Spyro saw large group of orcs running down the hill waving their weapons against him. He felt the anger growing inside him and his eyes began to burn from fury and he stepped between Black dragon and fearless group of orcs
"You... You are not going to get away from this!" Spyro shouted to incoming orcs which such hatred that black smoke rose from his nostrils. More clouds gathered on sky and first drops fell on ground. In a second it started raining heavily.
Spyro felt something burning inside him and he opened his mouth slowly. He closed his eyes and unleashed biggest, most huge fireball he has ever unleashed before towards the rushing orcs. Unluckily most of the orcs dodged it with ease but when it hit one unlucky orc huge explosion literally turned him and few around him into ashes in a instant and shockwave sent many other orcs flying far away. Such demonstration of Spyro's anger slowed orcs down a bit but they where still superior in numbers, not even a quarter perished or dropped out cold from his attack. Blinded by anger Spyro ran against the groups and the very first trying to hurt his love could feel his full wrath orcs now have unleashed in him. In quarter of a second First orc dropped on ground dead claw wounds all over him and Spyro faced second one who met the same fate moment after. Then the third one soon followed by fourth. Orcs began to gather around him fighting back against purple fury with little success. Orcs tried to hit him with clubs, swords, hammers, axes, maces, even with fists but nothing worked as Spyro just kept dodging them like nothing and giving quick death those who has dared attack against him.
When Orcs literally tried to bury him under themselves Spyro began to float few feets above the ground glowing with brightblue light and world slowed around him. He glanced around, showing no mercy against anyone around him he unleashed all the energy he has gathered inside him with one loud bang. Closest ones around him froze in a instant on their spot and others further away where pierced by sharp icebullets and icicles killing them as well. Spyro landed on ground gently in middle of gently falling snow which his icebased furyattack had turned waterdrops into and he panted heavily but his anger still where strong in him. Last quarter of orcs looked at him and around themself nervously trying to think should they attack or flee for their lives. Spyro closed his eyes and felt the earth beneath him. Forcing the hidden power to be unleashed in it, ground began to treble violently and orcs began to back away slowly. Just when Spyro where the edge of setting free that power of earth, one single voice groaned at him from behind.
"Stop that now or Cynder is good as dead!" Voice too familiar to Spyro shouted.
Spyro turned around still holding his power within and his eyes narrowed when he saw who it was.
"You!" He groaned with anger. Edgard gave devious grin and rose Cynder front of him from her head like she weighted nothing and held his huge sword's edge against her throat. Somehow he has managed to circle behind him and grab Cynder.
"That's right purple dragon. Now surrender or Cynder is going to be your first casualty." Edgard grunted and moved his sword closer to her throat.
"You wouldn't dare animal!" Spyro's eyes narrowed even more and he was just inch away from unleashing his wrath against him.
"Oh yes I would dare! I have all the reasons to kill her right here, right now. NOW STAND BACK AND SURRENDER!" Edgard shout out loud and Cynder's blood began to bleed across his huge sword slowly.
Spyro fought against his anger and he trebled a bit. He turned his gaze away slowly and finally dropped on ground, letting his gathered power fade away.
"Good... very good... CHAIN HIM!" Edgard shouted and two orcs walked at Spyro with lot of chains and locked the chains on Spyro from legs, tail, neck, even on his wings
"You're going to pay from this!" Spyro said still angered.
"Maybe, but not today. Now lets move!" Edgard groaned and two orcs began to drag Spyro along with them as remaining orcs began to walk back where they have came. A single thunderbolt struck down in horizon.