This, is MY story Part 10

He looked at the tv screen to see it back on the netflix homepage. he must have fallen asleep at some point during the movie. a quick look at his phone confirmed his suspicions, with it now reading 6:13pm.

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Appreciation - Mythics 3

We are not able to go to theaters, but some friends have set us up with something called netflix." tim felt a little flustered. this satyr came across as the curious and pleasant teenager he looked to be.

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Everyday Vaporeon!

I just wanna chat about nonsense, talk about games, tv, movies, talk about...anything really, other than my sorry existence" millie nodded slightly "well sure, you didn't cancel your netflix account did you?"

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Proxy and Molly: Pillow Forts and Cuddles (1)

I wanted to finish a series then netflix thought i would like a similar one and here i am." she said sounding embarrassed. "well now you won't have to do that alone! count me in!"

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Shooting Star (Warners Bros TF/TG) [TRADE]

Animaniacs is on netflix now and i'm pretty hype about that. time to re-watch the old show because the hub stopped showing it (i think anyways). story-wise honestly i'm not proud of this one. i could of done a lot better.

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A Bed For Life

Games, he felt, could wait until his fingers were less busy and not being continually coated in potato flakes, so it was off to netflix to continue his latest binge.

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A Lions' Tale

I had the day off so the plan was to relax, maybe watch a few movies on my netflix instant queue that i didn't have a chance to get around to viewing or i could compose a few songs, i had quite a few ideas that i hadn't put down in music yet.

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A new school year Ch.3

He sighed and finally layed down in his sleeping bag and i switched on netflix. i slipped off my clothes as well and layed in my bed after putting on american dad.

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Chapter 10: Contentment

Jamie suggested, grabbing the remote and switching it over to netflix. "did you want to watch anything in particular? maybe power rangers, since you fell asleep during that last night?"

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Kataze: well netflix just came up with this furry themed show. silver: bojack? kataze: yup. and you are interviewing mr. peanutbutter. silver: awshum! this is gonna be great!

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Inferno High - Chapter 12

Ted found it on netflix, and it had to be done. some how, the original, black and white, silent version of nosferatu freaked out alex. not in a bad way, or even very much, but at times i'd glance over and see him clinging to his pillow.

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A Sip of Coffee

Then she could kick back, lie on her couch, watch some netflix, and not have to worry about a thing until tomorrow. ugh, going back to work. couldn't she just hang out every day?

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