"girls i think were being abducted by nazi aliens." mai screamed.
suddenly eight reptilian headed, alien creatures wearing yellow nazi arm bands and golden leotards appeared.
Japanese, Mutant, Story Series, tokyo
The first group were slaughtered and the nazis tried again. they created 17 batches in total, each time refining the procedure and making sure everything was in order, but they couldn't control the animalistic side of the hybrids.
Post-Apocalyptic, Reptile, Wolf
Once the nazis were convinced of the legitimacy of the marriage, ulrika began to learn how to play my keys. her story was one of pure suffering.
Compassion, Kindness, Love, Music, Noble, happieness, healing, imortality, nazi, paino, pauper, peace, song, soul, suffering
Stalingrad, Soviet Union September 30th, 1942 Vlad looked out to the two soldiers making their way back to them. The rain was slowing now, but visibility wasn't the best. "Ah.. good. They're back.." he thought as the two sat down next to him. "Anything...
Fox, GERMAN, Panther, War, Wolf, nazi, russian, soviet, world
Why would a nazi.." hall's words drifted to silence as keller handed several black and white photographs across the table showing humans in various stages of transformation to equines.
"zange was very fond of his horse," keller stated.
As the others jumped down to join tafu, they also started using their weapons on the nazi aliens. tafu saw one of the aliens taking the human into a white van the aliens were using.
Alien, Japanese, Mutant, Story Series, tokyo
Sadly, he hadn't the time to perform any studies with said children due to prior responsibilities with analyzing the results of mengele's experiments and other nazi hoodwink.
Adventure, Anthro, Anthropomorphic, Beach, Beach Landscape, Bizarre, Cave, Clean, Clone, Dishonesty, Evil, Fantasy, Fight, Fighting, Further Confusion, Future, Insanity, Introduction, Island, Mild Violence, Military, Modern, Near Future, Not_First_Person, Ocean, Personal Redemption, Plot Development, Realistic, Rebellion, Sci-Fi, Science, Science Fiction, Short Story, Telepathy, Tribal, Underwater, War, pirates
"go to hell....nazi bastard."i said as i fell off.
when i awoke,i was sitting upright in a metal chair,with my hands cuffed down to a table which was bolted to the ground.
Dragon, Dragoness, Fantasy, Military, Sci-Fi
The first group were slaughtered and the nazis tried again. they created 17 batches in total, each time refining the procedure and making sure everything was in order, but they couldn't control the animalistic side of the hybrids.
Post-Apocalyptic, Reptile, Violence (Not In Yiff), Wolf
Disclaimer: this is a story involving nazis and furthermore, it contains scenes set in a concentration camp (a made-up one, but a concentration camp just the same). this is no sex. nor is there any glorifying of the nazis and what they do.
Character Development, Death, Doberman, Military, No-Yiff, Rottweiler, Spitzohr, Squirrel, Violence (Not In Yiff), War, nazi