Stories From Elton High | Chapter 26

Warren goes off with the muskrat waiter to find our table while dad and i head to the bathroom. "mark, i haven't said anything to warren about you and arden," he says right after the door closes behind us.

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The Baptism Is Long But The Song Is Everlasting

Shen repeated the warning, back toward the tiller, in unison with weiser, and he and the muskrat both backed water on their oars.

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Chapter 15 - Growing Up

The muskrats leave to shower and we're left to the dull hum of the filtering system. i'm glad i got him to forget about it even if it's only for a little while.

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Chapter 6: Classes Begin

Flora was going to raise her hand to request the papers for cynthia, but becca managed to get the mouse sized papers and pass them back via the muskrat between them.

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Treading Chapter 2 - Rumors

Otters, yapoks, muskrats, beavers, orcas, dolphins, and more. occasionally, a gup would join the team; a fur that learned swimming later in life and aren't naturally equipped for it.

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Time Off

He was expecting a fat feline or muskrat or something along those lines, not a panda... but then he thought about how speciest that made him sound and cursed himself for even letting his brain go there.

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The Long, Cold Dark, Chapter I: Cliquot

"well, good, because this is very important information," the muskrat scowled. "it's a big honor that you've been selected to head up this project.

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Job Search

Growing up i'd eaten almost every type of animal that could be caught around these parts, from mouse to muskrat. i took a bite as i watched the wolf show off the latest football moves to his friends.

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Chapter 2: The Royal College of Vulpineva

Four other mammals were already seated at the cat's table: a wolverine, a stoat, a muskrat, and a fox squirrel. chester grabbed another chair from a nearby empty table and pulled it up between his seat and the wolverine's.

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The Art of Mingling

Her husband was a muskrat named theo, and he was off in the crowd somewhere. "so, i'm not thinking about getting tail ... as much as i am giving it." "huh."

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The Mayor of Congruence and The Baroness of the Opera House

The proprietor, an old muskrat named condelia, had looked the same as tally had been a child. while there had always seemed to be such people about, tally didn't want to think too hard on it in light of the earlier talk with tea.

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Zootopia: First Salvo Part 10

"and no cruising around with your stuff in "full muskrat". t-shirts, shots, underwear, bra and panties are fine....panties for females that is.....unless whitney says otherwise?" everyone chuckled. kerdle waved a paw.

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