They may not act it, but they're really strong," sapphire said grinning excitedly watching a houndour appear beside the murkrow. "go, get out of here! we'll cover your retreat," sapphire called back pulling out lefy's ball.
Clean, Discovery, Fighting, Pokemon, Violence
He shouted in a panic as he stumbled away from them, but he didn't get far as a sludge pikachu grabbed one arm and a murkrow grabbed his other.
Grimer, Jolteon, Mew, Murkrow, Pikachu, Pokemon, Quilava, Slime, Sliming, Transformation, Umbreon, Yoshi, brainwashing, tf
Drapions, murkrows and bisharps had end of the corridor. to our left there was another door, and garomun barged through it. there was stairs going both up and down. unfortunately, footsteps were charging in from both outside and downstairs.
Action, Adventure, Fanfiction, Flareon, Jolteon, Pokemon, Umbreon, espeon
I'm a creature of darkness, just like the houndoom, or the murkrows, or that honchkrow. all they do is hurt things, and... that's what i've become. i... i'm evil. a monster."
Pokemon, Story Series, Umbreon
"well, you see, this little guy here," he pointed at caterpie, "likes to eat the forest leaves...for some reason he doesn't like pokemon food nor the berries we give, long story short, we came here looking for food when those murkrows attacked
Food, Hug, Lucario, Male, Riolu, Sleeping, Water type, crotch, embrace, prinplup, shaking, sight, tightness
I looked for a murkrow i had seen around a few times in the past - i had a feeling it might like the bag of shiny rocks, and could be willing to trade me a berry for
Cherubi, Pokemon, Story Series, Vulpix
It looked a bit like the murkrows from the petstore, but noticeably different- larger and fatter.
Eevee, Pokemon, Story Series
Even for winter, the forest was never _this_silent -no more stantler or sawsbuck appeared in their vicinity, and the spearow and murkrow normally spouting taunts and curses at them from the branches during the day had disappeared.
Decidueye, Delphox, Dugtrio, Greninja, Lucario, Pokemon, Riolu, Story Series, Team Valiant, blaziken, zoroark