Merry Christmas, Silver! Ch. 6

A sprig of mistletoe was hanging directly above us. we stayed in our embrace, even after the snow gently started falling. as it did, i made a silent wish for us to stay together, not just for christmas and our anniversary, but for the rest of our lives.


Crashing Into Fate

Richard smiled and pulled out a mistletoe from his pocket. he grabbed one that was hanging around the house and held it over the corgi. "hey josh look up." josh looked up and blushed when he saw the mistletoe. "really?

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Lost love

The convulsion due to the mixture of hemlock, mistletoe, honeysuckle, bleach, and chocolate, is only a bug bite compared with the knowledge that there is no hope of ever finding your love again.

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A lion's tail and a bear's hug: chapter 7

As he tried to get over the lion to see the lion quickly raised his hidden paw to reveal a small piece of mistletoe, as he kissed the bear lightly. "merry christmas, bjorn" lejon said with a smile.

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I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Twenty Two

._ "ohhh, mistletoe," lena whispered. "christmas got here just in time for this little one!" justin landed on the snow-covered roof, and santa appeared once again.

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Ragnarok - X

We knew the virtues of all hedgerow weeds; mistletoe, for the peace that comes from strength, sweet amaranth, to hold off time and chance, holly, to undo all malicious charms, and bittersweet, that you see round your feet: there is no fitter symbol for

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Thirteen Karmic Tales: Thirteenth Tale

There was tinsel and holly and even mistletoe! there was everything someone would need to decorate fill the house with christmas cheer. "poor master sam." khloe muttered.

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Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 7

Who knew that cadance, the alicorn of love was allergic to mistletoe? there is irony in there somewhere. then add to it it turns out cadance was pregnant. 'hey flurry heart, your early.


Shadow and Troy Pt. 5: Novus Amor

Troy smiled at the idea of catching shadow under some mistletoe. "it's the rule..." he'd say. "this is what you get for all your teasing...." troy murred at the vision. it just might be worth trying.

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Christmas Memories

_the city is full of manger scenes,_ _and stores lit up in red and green,_ _but down the road just out of town,_ _there's more magic to be found,_ _the countryside is a' glow,_ _with holly tree and mistletoe,_ _and in them woods there lives a

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Christmas Story

I looked up and saw a mistletoe dangling above my head. i looked at him, "what's this f--" before i knew it he starts kissing me. for a second i couldn't believe it but then i felt his cold nose touch mine and his big warm tongue slide on top mine.

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