Merry Christmas, Silver! Ch. 6

Story by Renaki on SoFurry

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#8 of Silver the Renamon (stories included: How I Met Silver & Merry Christmas, Silver!)

Yea! This is it! The final chapter and it's the one where I reveal Silver's anniversary present! Sit back and enjoy!

Ch.6 -the final chapter- Merry Christmas...and Happy Anniversary

The weekend, including Christmas Eve flew by with all the excitement from Silver being accepted into the family.


Finally it was Christmas morning; Silver and I awoke and headed for the living room, where mom was waiting for us. "Good morning, you two. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas." We both joined her near the Christmas tree and started opening the brightly wrapped presents. The first present was from me to mom: a new set of China cutlery to use on special occasions. The second present was from Silver to me: a white gold bracelet and a silver charm, which remarkably resembled the shape of her head. I marveled at its beauty.

"Silver...I don't know what to say..."

She smiled. Then gently caressed me and whispered in my ear. "Happy four-month anniversary."

I gasped. "Silver..."

"I would never forget something as special as the day we first met." She purred softly.

"Thanks." I said as I gently petted her plush fur.

Suddenly, a flash of light caught us by surprise. We whirled around and mom was behind us, digital camera in hand. I gaped, wide-eyed. "Mom; you're not going to use that for our Christmas card next year, are you?"

Mom said nothing, but only smiled mischievously.

I lowered my head and sobbed theatrically. "I'm doomed." Silver only shook her head.


After that, we continued opening the presents. The next one to be opened was to Silver from mom: a dark blue scarf with a silver crescent moon pattern. She thanked mom for the gift and put it on, wanting to make use of it right away. The present that was opened next was to me from mom, and it was something that I had been eyeing for a while: a portable DVD player.

My eyes lit up. "Wow mom! This is awesome!"

"Well, you've been doing well in school, so I decided to give you something for your hard work."

I went over to her and hugged her. "Thanks mom!" She laughed to herself. "You're welcome."

The last present under the tree to be opened was from Silver to mom: a music box. The box was handcrafted to look like an angel, and when the key at its side was turned, the song "Angels We Have Heard on High" would play.

"Thank you, Silver. This is a beautiful gift."

She nodded smiling, but then the smile faded when she looked under the tree. I noticed this and smiled. "I know what you're thinking. You're thinking I forgot your anniversary gift, aren't you?"

She said nothing, but only blushed.

"I haven't forgotten, but it's a surprise. Could you wait outside for me? I'll bring it out to you." I said as I made my way to my bedroom. "And you'd better have your eyes closed when I get out there!" I called out.

Silver cocked her head. 'Have my eyes closed?' she thought. She then looked at mom, who just shrugged.

"I have no clue what she's talking about." With that, she sighed and phased out of the house.

No sooner she did, I came back out holding Silver's present. Before I left, mom whispered

"Good luck." And crossed her fingers for me. I nodded and went outside.


I noticed her leaning against a trunk of one of the trees in the backyard. "Silver, are your eyes closed?" I called out.

She giggled. "Yeah!"

I started walking over to her. "You sure?"


"Just checking!" I teased. When I made it over to her, her eyes were indeed closed, and she was smiling. "Hold out your paws." I said. She complied and I gently placed a long object into them. "Okay; you can open your eyes now." She did, and then looked down at the object, which was a black sheath.

She looked at it with widened eyes. " this... what I think it is...?" I only nodded slightly. She unsheathed the object, which was a sword, and gasped. "Oh my..." she held it up to the sunlight and marveled at its beauty.

The blade looked as if it were made with the purest stainless steel, and the handle was beautifully crafted as well. Upon closer inspection, you could even see her name carefully engraved on the left side of the blade. She gently tucked the sword back into its sheath, which had a black leather strap. She tried it on for size, and it fit perfectly. The emerald hilt of the sword that was in the shape of the symbols on her legs, blended in beautifully with the color of her fur.

"Lisa; this is incredible. What made you think of this?"

"Well...I really wanted to get something special for you, that and something that'll help you fight all those digimon, and when I saw made me think of you...Happy anniversary."

Silver then smiled at me with those emerald eyes. Then an idea popped in her head. "Lisa?"


"There's ...actually more to your gift."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

She smirked. "Now you have to be the one to close your eyes."

I laughed to myself, but complied. I could feel Silver leading me somewhere, but it wasn't too far because we stopped after only a few moments.

"Okay, you can open them now." I did; we were in the doorway of the house. "Silver, what's this all about?" I asked, confused.

She blushed lightly. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you, but I never knew how to say it until now."

'O...kay...' I could tell there was nervousness in her voice.

"Lisa...I...I love you..."

I gasped, though I wasn't that surprised; from the first time she looked me in the eye, I had feelings for her. Then another surprise came to me. She gently pulled me close...

And then it happened...

She kissed me! I was pretty much caught off guard as a large jolt of electricity flowed through my spine, but after the shock passed, I accepted and we kissed deeply.


After what seemed like a decade, we finally broke the kiss, our hearts beating as one.

"Silver..." I started, trying to find the right words to say; but Silver placed a finger on my lips.

"Shh...I know..." she said gently.

As I snuggled in the warmth of her fur, Silver looked above the doorway, and smiled. A sprig of mistletoe was hanging directly above us. We stayed in our embrace, even after the snow gently started falling. As it did, I made a silent wish for us to stay together, not just for Christmas and our anniversary, but for the rest of our lives.


Somehow, I just knew my wish was being granted.

The End

Final disclaimer: I don't own the song Let it Snow by Boyz II Men

Let it snow, let it snow

Hey, it's another Christmas holiday

Its a joyous thing let the angels sing

Cause we're together

We got a thing can't let it slip away

No, outside it's raining sleet

When our bodies meet

I don't care about the weather


Let it snow, let it snow

Outside it's cold but the fire's blazin'

so baby let it snow

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Ohhhh, come over here and help me trim the tree

I wanna wrap you up baby

Then you'll see you're the only present I need

There's so much more

Waiting for you in store

From this precious day

I can gladly say

There's no place I'd rather be


I know you are my everything, come a little closer

God must have sent you down from heaven


Let it snow, let it snow

Let it snow, let it snow (repeat 4x)

I don't care what the weather may be

As long as you're here with me.

(Fade out)