Vulpsis CYOA #3

Vulpsis began to worry if the medicine wasn't working and was in fact hurting him... but when she stripped away the leaf she saw that his bite wounds had miraculously closed.

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A New Life in a New Body: Perfect Timing

"some answers," it replied, "what happened to mike moulder who was hit by a car five years ago, and miraculously recovered?" "he lived," luke said. "how did he live every bone in his body was crushed," it asked not believing the story.

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RH's Brachina

Physical description: "long ago, when the unholy one needed creatures to fill the third layer of the great inferno, he sought the assistance of the frowning one and his miraculous science to create a lustful being.

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Property of Wesley Telecom

The outside casing was scratched, along with numerous marks on the screen, he had only miraculously found the device on a sidewalk one night.

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(Dream Journal) Queen of the Gremlins

He miraculously appeared from the crowd in his human form (isaac foster). he had his distinctive signature brown hoodie with red pants and black shoes. "zack!"

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Pizza on the Brain

My attention was wholly fixated upon his show-and-tell subject.â â so it came as a miraculous surprise when i heard a guy down my row say to his buddy, "hey, i know that guy--he works at that one pizza place!"

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Chapter 13 - Interrogation

"well, a couple days ago, there was a report at the hospital about a tiger man with your description who was in the hospital and miraculously healed another patient. what can you tell me about that?" "unfortuantely not much.

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Madkat Chance, Part 2 [COM/STORY]

A third kat had a piano fall on top of him, but he miraculously survived, although now the piano keys had replaced his teeth which prompted him to play a silly song with them.

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Finding Home 1

It's miraculous that i can even walk. i decide to sleep and conserve my strength for the rest of the day. a soft hand wakes me this time. i open one eye and spot an older man, wrinkles just forming, gazing at the bandages.


Star Hopper chapter 17 (last chapter)

She found out later, after her miraculous revival, that she was not entirely dead, only in one meaning of the word.

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He was the kind of trouble maker that nobody had any hope for, but who miraculously reached higher studies. he was the kind of moron who was a master in the art of hurting others, but who had, in fact, way less valor in life than any of his targets.

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4. Waiting for the Bus

Slowly but surely he rolls out of the bench and into your trolley which miraculously doesn't topple over.

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