The Sincerest Form

Boko's lair had been unlike anything that Klein had ever seen. They'd gone down through a trapdoor in the forest floor and climbed down a ladder into a large, open, cube-shaped room underground. Inside, there had been stairs on the floor, but also...

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[Commission] Subterfuge, usurpation and vigilante justice

Aside from complete visual mimicry, he can also mimic a target's mannerism, speaking patterns, voice intonation and body language at an exceptional level. he might be new, but he is a valued member." "is this your first mission, dusk walker?"

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The world tears itself apart before me for it flatters me with mimicry. i saw the fox and then a crackling bonfire. i hate this existence and drive to do things as much as i hate myself." the monster's biting their own claws, and fingers, and knuckles.

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Tongue-Tied Lightning

In mimicry of flight. she closed her eyes. she was fifteen. he was sixteen. and he was closer to her, really, than he was to his other siblings ... not just in age. he appreciated her more. which is why he'd asked her to teach him to fly.

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Many Tiny Sparks: Chapter 1 Part 1

In response elliot considers thinking someone in the back of the head with the shadow ball mimicry hovering beside his own head; but wisely decides against it.

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Halloween 2019 - Chapter 1: Walking in the Unknown

He was even forced to clamber over low branches and made especially sure to give a wide birth to young saplings thrusting their way up toward the light in mimicry of their older, ancient cousins.

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Feeding A Stuffed Lioness

Rather than taking an existing look, ashari was trapped within a toony quadrupedal mimicry of himself, bearing his colourings and most notable aspects, even though they were significantly rounded off.

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Taking on a New Life: Part Sixteen

There was something softer in her, despite her mimicry of adagio, that adagio would never have for herself. but that was alright: adagio wasn't trying to be anyone, honestly, other than herself. it was merely an observation that she had picked up on.

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Born Of Chaos Ch. 7

"they say mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery." he made another gesture, and formed a block of energy to appear above the sun princess and drop down towards her.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 61

This mimicry of equality quaked in their foundation when the passing eyes exchanged looks with cyril. the guardian stopped in the doorstep, turning his head so slowly that one might think there was a chain wrapped around the neck.

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The Lost Arrow ch1, Zakkaision

I have never had a biological mimicry alternate mode so i just attribute the feelings to that. being four legged in it is going to be difficult to get used to as well yet i can always go robotic when i get tired of it.

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With These Broken Wings: Chapter 2

He pushed into the water until it lapped around his neck and the ocean currents lifted his body up in a cruel mimicry of flight.

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