That Strange Ill Fitting Cog
This is a venting metaphor, a bit of a well worn one but still a good one in my opinion at least. originally posted in november 2021.
Pursuing That Unmistakable Howl
Pursuing That Unmistakable...
P.S. I Love You
I sit here, a sailor's wife I live happily with my husband, he teaches me of the world he leaves me here alone. I find the house empty all left of him a note "I've set sail, there's a new adventure out there for me" "Be back soon" ...
Lofty Parapets
Once, long ago on the midway of my life's journey, before my fur was grayed and tattered, I received the perceived joy of being welcomed to visit a friend of mine from childhood as a guest to a feast he was attending. A letter was delivered to my...
Struggling With Inadequacy
Something about splitting wood the old fashioned way was just so, so satisfying. The power of one man was still something to be reckoned with in the early 1800's. It was true that there were machines popping up in the larger cities back east that...
Open me up
**Open me up** Open me up, I am but unlocked, That life turned sour, Should be of no shock. The fruits are shrivelled, Their lies flicker loose, There's no going back: I'll tie my own noose.
Writer's Block
It's not just a writer's worst nightmare, but a metaphor on life. the words are on the tip of the tongue, but they just won't come.
Thoughts on chaos and order
The concept of chaos in this case is our (metaphorical) begrudging ally and the concept of order is our (metaphorical) enemy. but as with all things there is some grey. a lot of grey.
About the digging when your body is a sled hauled by a team of dogs, nothing is metaphorical accept me/us as i/we are or leave we have nothing else but the hilt of this blade blossoming from our ribs, the rotten tooth hidden in our burrow
Writing Tips vol. 4
Also on the topic of description, make sure you don't mix your metaphors. figure out what feeling you want to lend to a particular scene, and have your metaphors line up with that. otherwise, you send mixed signals to your readers.
Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 32: A Peek Behind the Curtain
"so... you're saying that all of this started because someone figured out how to take a metaphorical rock and drop it into a metaphorical pond so they could see into the future?" the voljoi gave a simple, succinct nod.
Scion 2nd Edition Intro
Earth - the power over both literal and metaphorical forces of earth.