GoM-Ep1-The Future
Quoted from a handbook from gaia's kingdoms- lavender- this is the new spirit kingdom for the fairy type wolves that call this place and is located in the lavender wood forest where there are magical trees that come in various shades of purple and pink.
Chapter one Part one
The earthen scent of fresh soil had permeated the air, the humidity within the greenhouse was suffused with the scent of the freshly baled silver leaf sage and the fragrant bags of lavender seed, only but a few of the fragrances.
The Kanto Adventures - The Journey Begins
The boy's name was ichibu from lavender town, he was roughly five feet and eight inches with black hair with purple colored highlights.
Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 27
Jolly had already finished cleaning off the platypus, a boy with dark lavender fur and a white bill and tail. "here ya go, cozy. he's cute." cozy giggled as she moved to carefully bathe the newly hatched penguin.
Remember Me 8 - Within Lavender Paradise
At the end of the hyperlift, Jack and Dronin stepped out onto a giant steel-grey floor where cargo was being stacked and moved throughout several pits beneath them like a giant picross board. Reploids shuffled back and forth pushing and pulling whilst...
Cyanide of Riddance chapter 11.
lavender said. "duh!!" "to the dungeon with them!!" the queen shouts. the trio then gasp and were sent into dungeons.
MLP Nightmare in Fillydelphia
Moon glow fluffed the eerily, dark green cloud between her light lavender hoofs. "hm, there we go," she said before diving down to the ground to take a look at her work in the night sky.
Lost Pokemon Episodes: EP 11 Psycho Visions.
We gotta get him to lavender town also...." the two recalls back their own pokemon and hakuzo is left carrying two pokemon. the two trainers slowly finish climbing over the mountain pass and emerge in lavender town.
Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 30
Introducing ralphalex, as nurse lavender foxtail.
I had this dream
Some gray, a bit of black, and at the top... the very top, is a cap of lavender. lavender...! the question falling on deaf ears, my only response is to sprint towards the lavender and wrap both rhen's jacket and my arms around it.
Luca And Charm (part 1)
I smiled as my gaze was met with the two lavender eyes of my mate. "good morning my loving little charm." i said, smiling wider.
Cyanide of Riddance chapter 9.
lavender cried. "well, like a colostomy bag, i'm on boydane's side. i like being a reality tv star!" "yeah! we need to get our series back.