Tobias and Evangeline make a new friend

Giraffe came along, and saw the 2 were having so much fun, he asked if he could join, as he loved pickles as well. apon hearing this, the bunnies said sure and welcomed their new friend,. but the new friend had came along too late, for there was only 1 large juicy

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Points of View - First Person.txt

Not only that, but the antlion happens to be a mother, taking care of three juicy-looking eggs, in a pileup of twigs for a nest ... pardon my manners, ma'am, but today is a good day for lil' hungry me...!

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Forgiven, Chapter 3

That i will give you a juicy one come monday. kay?

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An unusual friend (vore, wolf/cat)

Sensing that he now had the cat's interest, anyon began to weave his web of lies, telling of juicy fruits and exotic meats that he'd stored away. "big red apples, fat and juicy rats that taste better than squirrels..."

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Blueberry Fox Poem

Gore i took the gum and stripped of the foil that protects it into the can it flies, off the wall reflected i brushed back my fluffy fur so clean, so crisp, so white and pushed the tiny stick in, and chewed the sweet delight mmm, i moan, so juicy

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A Tale of Lost Souls: Part One

As he swallows a small hoof full of the juicy fruit he notices how late it's getting and starts to pack up his things.

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Mirthless Sunshine: Prologue

The people had plenty to eat and the crops harvested themselves and the animals, gladly, made themselves into thick sausages and juicy steaks. so, because there was no work to be done for the farmers, they sang and danced all day and night.

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The Hunter's Notes

If this were legitimate you could get a king's ransom out of the church, or eden themselves if this contained some _really_ juicy stuff. the back of the title page was a table of contents. one particular chapter caught your eye immediately.

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Vexen's Own Story! Part 4

He asked me, his jolly lips spewing a rainbow of creamed sugar, spit, and oh so juicy blobs of an unknown substance. "i'ma delete you." as i said, he was deleted from the story.

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POEM: Walking In Front Of Me!

Perhaps a crisp apple, juicy peach, or ripe pear? hey you dropped something, what is this? "hmm...must be the key to my cabin up ahead. we can go there.. or keep walking instead..."

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He loves a fruit called the dragon fruit (in marvinia) which looks like a big apple but is very sweet a bit juicy and healthy to dragons. his favorite color is brown


Gods with Fur Sample - Yesterday's Trickster

The woman that just ran him over with her suv while he checked out a particularly juicy bit of roadkill being the most recent reminder of why he hated cars.

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