A Tale of Lost Souls: Part One

Story by nawp8 on SoFurry

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#1 of A Tale of Lost Souls

A young colt travels the back roads of Equestria running from everything and everyone. But we all have to stop running at some point.

AN: This story could literally go anyway. I'm looking for some criticism so if you'd like to help me improve, and if you want more, message me. I may or may not keep writing it in second person, that'll depend on the response I get from this chapter. Oh, and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my first story.

Our story starts on an open road, a simple dirt road to be exact. Surrounding the road is a sea of beautiful green grass swaying in the evening wind as Celestia's sun starts to slip off into the horizon. Laying under a shady tree a few yards away from our road is a young colt, barely old enough to stay home alone. The colt seems rather normal, save for a few nasty scars that poke out from his pale blue coat, let's call him Sky foe now. Sky was resting under a shady tree, enjoying some of the berries he found while scavenging a few hours ago. As he swallows a small hoof full of the juicy fruit he notices how late it's getting and starts to pack up his things. He didn't have much, but he treasured what little he had; an old brush with several bristles missing, his old blanket from his youth and various containers, some with food, others containing small amounts of water. He organizes all his valued possessions in a worn out saddle bag before securing it around his back and cleaning up his campsite a bit, making sure to leave no trace of his short occupation in the area. Satisfied with his work he makes his way down the road towards what appears to be a small valley off in the distance, the last rays of daylight vanishing behind the large mountain behind him.

After nearly an hour of walking our young friend happens upon a fork in the road. He pauses shortly to examine his options. He starts down the path leading towards the valley he originally chose but stops when he spots the remains of a decayed sign in the bushes off to the side of the path. Being a curious foal he tugs, and pulls at the sign until he successfully frees it from the tangles shrubbery. Revealing the worn lettering scrawled on the decaying wood. "Flowers Manor?" He states with a hint of surprise in his squeaky voice. The young colt pauses in thought, he knows he's heard that name somewhere before. In an old newspaper or from the conversation of a group of adults in a few towns back. That's when he remembered, "Oh yeah! There was that murder a few years back. An entire family found dead..." Sky shivers as a chill makes its way up his spine. "Didn't they destroy that house?" He questions aloud to himself. "If they didn't, I could stay there for a few weeks...better than sleeping in a cave right?" The young colt starts to debate whether the trip to the manor would be worth it or not. He closes his eyes and rubs his temple with a hoof as he weighs his options. After a few seconds of awkward silence he opens his eyes having made his decision.