A Tale of Lost Souls: Part Three
The young colt blushes deeply as he gently towels himself off with the torn curtain that 'grabbed' him not even a few minutes ago. He squirms slightly, mentally cursing himself out. "I can't believe you got scared over s stupid stuffed bear! And a...
A Tale of Lost Souls: Part Two
Almost an hour later our young colt finds himself at the rusted, iron gate of Flowers Manor. Another shiver runs down the poor pony's spine as he pushes against the decayed gate, wincing at the high pitched squeal of the rusted metal. The colt's ears...
A Tale of Lost Souls: Part One
Our story starts on an open road, a simple dirt road to be exact. Surrounding the road is a sea of beautiful green grass swaying in the evening wind as Celestia's sun starts to slip off into the horizon. Laying under a shady tree a few yards away from...