A Tale of Lost Souls: Part Three
#3 of A Tale of Lost Souls
Part Three of, A Tale of Lost Souls. Couldn't really think of a way to end it and I wanted to keep it short so I kinda got lazy...hehe. Anyway! Hope you enjoy! =P
The young colt blushes deeply as he gently towels himself off with the torn curtain that 'grabbed' him not even a few minutes ago. He squirms slightly, mentally cursing himself out. "I can't believe you got scared over s stupid stuffed bear! And a curtain!" the poor colt groans in embarrassment as he tosses the, now soaked, fabric off to the side while trotting over to an old brick fireplace he discovered while exploring the main room of the large, abandoned house. He gently sets two logs into the center of the dust brick structure before searching his saddle bags for a match or lighter. "I know I have one in hear somewhere. I..." The young pony falls silent as he pulls out an old, rusted, flip top lighter. The colt's ears fold back in sadness as he remember his dear uncle, the one who gave him the lighter he now holds in his hooves. With a depressed sigh, he shoves the antique cigarette lighter back into his saddle bags, found memories of his past life dancing through his young mind.
A loud crash causes our young friend to jump in surprise as a heavy object slams down onto one of his legs. "Sh-" The colt quickly bites his tongue as he whimpers in pain, prying an eye open to find a large wooden log laying over his leg. The colt's eyes widen as he jumps up, his skin so pale that it even shows through his dark blue coat. "My leg!" He cradles his injured limb, whimpering slightly as he inspects the damage. "I-it' not broken..." He sighs in relief, raising onto his hooves, carful to keep his weight on his remaining three legs. "But it's hurt." He applies a small amount of pressure on the injured leg, quickly withdrawing said pressure. 'Eeyup...it's hurt alright...' He thinks to himself as he leans against an old couch for support. The colt glances around the moonlit room, frowning as he relies he's going to be hear a lot longer than he originally thought. "Well...guess I'll need that fire." He pulls an odd looking match out of his saddle bag and bites down on the wooden handle, sharply striking the head of the match against the rough surface of the brick, quickly dropping it into the restocked fire place. He twitches slightly as he watches the logs, praying that they'll light. Within seconds his wishes are granted as the familiar crackle of charring wood fills the room. He hoofs the air a bit in excitement and carefully tends the fire until he can toss larger logs on it to keep it going on its own. With a joyful sigh he sits back on the couch, finding the old furniture to be surprisingly comfy, even after years of abandonment.
After cleaning himself up a bit, our young colt decides to bed down for the night, yawning as he pulls his old blanket over him. He smiles as he breaths in the familiar strawberry scent of the small foal blanket, snuggling into the soft fabric. He watches the dancing shadows on the ceiling above as he drifts off, surrounded by the warmth of the flickering fire.