Mercurius Express — Prologue

I'm thinking of naming this route as the horus-aerion express." "the horus-aerion express? after the horus mountains?" the mustelid doctor tilted his head slightly. the sabertooth smiled. "naturally!

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The Drama of the Moon

Some comparative mythologists have drawn comparisons to the egyptian osyrian cycle, which similarly pits horus against set. however, not only does this story predate the osyrian cycle, the antagonist is recognised as having legitimate grievances.

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The Furre Archive Project - Part 1: Introductions

horus and anubis and all that. humans with animal heads. ha, us furres are just one step up from that.. we're animals with human bodies, really. anyway, as i said before.. i'm considered a "employee".

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Raspberry Line Chapter 7 - The Angry Tiger's Den

"the eye of horus. you didn't have to go so out of your way to return it." she blinked, her flush of anger morphed into a blush of nervousness.

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Golden Age: chapter 8: The City on the Hill

Zeus, odin, and horus answer directly to him. he is the god of fate and writing, the author of destiny. his name? it's simply the author

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The Aesir Pantheon

**associated powers:** epic appearance, epic charisma, guardian, jotunblut, sun **abilities:** art, athletics, brawl, melee, marksmanship, presence **rivals:** hel, loki, apollo, horus, izanami, kalfu, miclntecuhtli -------------------------------------

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You also saw set with the head of a flamingo, as in the book of fayum, bowing in fear before horus in the form of a crocodile. that was very funny.

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A Failed Duty - Epilogue: 2nd Letter

Recently, i have thought about a sequel focusing on horus and set and the aftermath of this series. i am torn between loving the fact that their story is left open, and knowing that there is more fun to be had in this universe and with these characters.

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Porters of the Duat - A Thursday Prompt

"that last one had two solid gold statues of horus. two of them! both taller than me. almost threw out my back." "must be a big fan," said lazuli, sipping from his bronze cup of pomegranate juice. "my last guy had 5 big chests of jewelry.

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Raspberry Line Chapter 22

The only time she had ever been open about it was the day she'd brought home his eye of horus.

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Girls' Zone 12

Nadine was about to ask before she noticed how danza reached into a pocket and pulled out what seemed to look like an eye of horus, but surrounded by a golden ring and in every direction like a compass, a chain was attached with an arrow.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 12

Emeral suddenly remembered the day she stole the eye of horus. "lyza?" "santa got me a new flute." "really? what kind of flute?"

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