Angels and dragons ch1

Angelo blushed "look do you want me to heal you or not" angelo said, the dragon eyed him "who are you" she said, angelo smiled and bowed "my name is angelo and what is your name" "jade" she replied "pleasure" angelo started with the broken leg using some herbal

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 2.5 - The Language of Flowers

I've been giving him herbal sand, even though we're not allowed to take it out of the temple." "herbal sand?" the saurian crossed his arms.

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Burdens - Chapter 116: White

Are you taking any herbal supplements? are you allergic to anything?" the badger asked him, a clipboard in hand with a pen in his paw. roger mouthed out, "no, to both." it was painful to even move what he could.

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Surface (Chapter 6)

Since medical marijuana had already been legal and that she'd been taught the rudiments of herbalism while she'd been growing up, she'd decided that her creation would take the form of a plant which, when dried, crushed and smoked, should deliver exactly what

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Love for Sale: Chapter 10

She ordered a pound of coffee and a pound of herbal tea to take with her before she waved and departed like someone who was happy. he cradled the note to his stomach and held it there like a bandage.

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The Outlander

Jube stump was sampling his latest batch of herbal tea when he spied the two visitors with a plate of mushroom and onion pasties dripping with vegetable gravy. "evenin'," the cellarhog said. "what can i do ye for?" "ah jube.


First Love: Part 1

"well, incase the name wasn't enough of a hint, we serve many varieties of herbal tea." " can i get a green tea, please?" "sure thing!"

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The Fuzz: Chapter One

Listening to the tea maker gurgle rhythmically as it mixed the water with her herbal tea. preza's thoughts wondered again to her new housemate. hybrin wasn't a large wolf at least not as big as some gray or tundra wolves that she had known.

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Dragon's Pride 9

Guardiola, the aqua blue sea dragon, was a master of herbals, especially those used for strong drinks.

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Black Sepia - chapter 1

Something a bit herbal in it. juniper?" "cedar, i think, says it was finished in cedar barrels." "how delightful. here, you can have it back now." he held the cup out to crowley, who shook his head. "nah, 's fine, angel. i've got more."

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The Outlander 1 11

The captain of the junk, a stout but good hearted otter named tsuzuku sucked on a pipe of herbal mixture. "that's an interesting war story, but tell me why must you leave here?" tsuzuku asked.

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The Meeting

Within thirty minutes, he'd managed not only to find some herbal plants, but also leaves to place over the wounds to help them heal faster while making sure they wouldn't leave too many scars.

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