Shadow Of Chernobyl-Chapter 5-Echo Headquarters

"echo headquarters",tyro replied placing his paw on a piece of meat and tearing a chunk off. firedrake looked up,"that's not that far off,about a ten minute walk or so." "well then we need to get there." taro said,"we got a job to do."

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 24-Romeo Headquarters

We were allowed to sleep in the next day. It was around ten when I woke to Adelind nuzzling me. "Good morning my love,she said softly,did you sleep well?" "Course I did,I replied licking her,you were beside me." Adelind laughed and nuzzled me...

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Sci Fi Short Story: "Paper"

By the end of the first day, traffic had not entered or left the headquarters. it was at the end of this day that distressing news was delivered to us from our own underground headquarters.

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