"Mushroom Magica"
- What a feeling! Such a start! I feel a pounding, But not in my heart. Colors are changing; sounds have a name. The boards on my floor, Play chess while aflame! I knew this was coming; I've been here...
Abaddon's Black Mist (screenplay)
Dead forest - dusk lupa in a hallucination sees her father, deligares, at the dead hoia baciu forest. deligares is a tall muscular man with a scar across his right eyelid.
Havana or Hell, part one
You were freaking out and the snake was only a hallucination,_i tried to convince myself. i have had hallucination dogs bite me before, and it hurts just like a real bite, but the pain normally fades away when i blink. but this time it was different.
Issues of a 16 year old boy
I began to realize that i was hallucinating, and it was getting worse. i also realized that i hallucinated and heard voices when i was younger too. i saw "auras" but i don't believe in that crap, nor do i believe in a higher power.
Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Fourteen
All of this is just a hallucination." "nonsense!" he said again. i ignored him. "this isn't real," i stepped up so close that the masked man's rubber nose almost poked me in the eye. "so go away." he didn't move. "i said go away!"
Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Twelve
#12 of henry rider: clown hunter henry's prank has gone horribly wrong, and now ethan is lost in feverdream field with his hallucinations! can henry save him, or will her own worst fears prove too much for her to handle?
Case File: 001
General breakdown of data as follows: - mustelid's have hallucinations most rapidly, and metabolize the drug exceedingly quickly. research potential dietary advantages. - canines prove most resilient to therasphetamine.
Cry Me a Murder (Part One) : Six Red Tears
It was a bad hallucination." "hallucinations don't grab people and drag them into the abyss." "so, how did fernando come face-to-intestine with the thing?" i asked.
Opium and Foreign Relations
Or hallucinating. can you hallucinate from secondhand opium smoke? remind me to enact new rules limiting the sale and distribution of that foul stuff. it burns my eyes and ruins the air for everyone.
Fallen Angels, Part three -Scratching the Itch
That's why you're hallucinating." "when you say crazy shit like that, it makes me feel normal." "just do it," insisted quinn. i lit another cigarette and inhaled so deep that every alveolus was sweating tar.
Second Sight: Chapter One: The Good Doctor?
It said nothing about any seizures or hallucinations. i immediately threw it away and rubbed my forehead. even though i was back to normal, my forehead was still killing me.
Jason's Nightmare - Part 10 [Memories of Sarah: Part 1]
A part of jason knew he was just hallucinating, but he just didn't care anymore. he would occasionally start conversations with his own hallucinations and pretend that damion was still alive and was there with him. "oh... it's nothing."