D'sim Kalumee and the Xenomorph Hive Part 1.

It didn't take him long to dress, having to simply pull the latex-like gel suit over his bare body, then place the pieces of armour over it, which would magnetically bind to the suit.


extinction log

On a side note the creation he made with the nutrient gel he seemed pleased with. upon further experimentation transforming gel formed nutrients into a tangible solid form is possible.

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Friendship Trail

The coolness of the gel made the cheetah shiver a bit, but he knew it was for his own good. "thank you for your help nurse joy, would it be okay if i stayed with my friend here?"

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Episode 9B: Games

We have to return gel chanzi to her ship and then we'll be heading back to base," harry replied. "gel chanzi," stiles said, addressing her. "i hope you are not planning any further intrusions into our space without going through proper channels.

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First Version: Rociel Hentzel

The suit itself is made of a symbiotic nano-gel that becomes a physical extension of an individual by using his/her thoughts, the nano-gel was originally designed by the malonions who live in a distant part of the galaxy the suit's equipped with a cloaking

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Corwin Hall, Chapter 12

At one or two points, he had felt the temptation he knew too well, to ignore penitence as gel-herathin almost had and lash out. he'd kept it under control though. it wasn't as bad as the first time he'd heard the story.

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The gel packs meant that i had a good 30 minutes before things would get too uncomfortably hot.

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Instincts of Justice Chapter 1: Mysterious Nights

When it was done the raccoon placed the gel side of the cloth against the window and pressed on every bit of it making sure it stuck there firmly.

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Burning out her fuse, up here alone

Wolfing down the gel, lapping at water, she took another gulp, as the cabin had been growing steadily hotter as of recently. rather uncomfortably so, but then.

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To The Blue

, help you **wea** ther the **storm** though a **fox** you may **be** , more a **shy** than a **sly** hidden **in** side the **dark** , i want **you** to de **fy** all the **words** of your **peers** matter **not** in my **eyes** you're an **an** gel

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Pride Underground

He was a reserved person, so the out and about pride vibes didn't gel with him. but they certainly did with his friends. he was on the reational room, the same beach setting as always, albeit with pride flags waving on posts.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 3

He rarely combed his hair, never used gel--didn't have gel. it usually ordered itself after the shower, falling into place.

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