Song of the Space Finch part 2 of 4

The space-time vibrations from the ftl drives bothered them. it's a sensitivity issue for finches. with our nubs out, being this close to a fully active engine would be... deafening in a sense.

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Autopilot (Otherwise Untitled)

The nose of the fighter leveled for a moment, ftl engines sputtering to try and find purchase in the moments before another weapons lock was detected.

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Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 21

We are now safe to to go ftl.'' reana announced. ''are we ready?'' trillian asked, his eyes fixed on the _warrior_'s icon.

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Guardians Downfall Chapter 1 Revised

We are to drop out of the ftl and investigate. once we exit ftl, all hands are to be at yellow alert." said the captains voice over the intercom.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 2

He pushed the launch sequence button, and they were whisked off from the sector into ftl.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 20

Engage ftl drive." they went into ftl while rose helped dairyu to sit on a sofa. while she made a cup of tea, xsatuki slithered nearby and said, "why did you go such length to help me?"

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Drakensang Prologue

- we're back in the normal space; ftl drive off-line! - responded helm officer jurgen steinbach, trying to read information on the blinking holo-screen - core containment procedures are in effect.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 12

Yet, it quickly vanished after capisa initiated ftl towards a nearby supply depot some light years away from the station.

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Captured Classified Proposal

However, the xdf mothership uses far more effective ftl drives than those currently available to us, apparently capable of outrunning any other human craft.

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Captured Classified Proposal

However, the xdf mothership uses far more effective ftl drives than those currently available to us, apparently capable of outrunning any other human craft.

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Carrier Wolves - Chapter 1: Making History

"we'll be travelling for the first time solely via long distance ftl beacons! travelling faster than the kestrel? that's an opportunity i wouldn't want to miss!" "yeah, i wouldn't either," laughed carlos.

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Shadow Stalkers: Oops...

'yeah, probably a bit of ftl turbulence.' she agreed and slipped back into her cold room. she swore once the door sealed up again, leaving her to her mess. 'ftl turbulence my arse.

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