Giant's Leap (Agency's Endgame)

For years, ty had trained with the agency with the idea that he'd fight villains, terrorists, really whoever the agency pointed him at.

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The Avalon Agency: a propaganda poster

This process eventually lead to the foundation of the avalon agency in 1970.

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The Agency

He hadn't seen \_anyone\_ outside the agency's base in years. he was a freak with too many legs.

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Captured Classified Proposal

Translation of captured document from the Russian SVR Written by: Zavrazhnov Dasnilyt (Dasnit) Danilovich Subject: Xenos Drakos Fylates S.V.R. - FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE ??? ?????? Street ?????? 4 August, 2054. Xenos Drakos...

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Captured Classified Proposal

Translation of captured document from the Russian SVR Written by: Zavrazhnov Dasnilyt (Dasnit) Danilovich Subject: Xenos Drakos Fylates S.V.R. - FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE ??? ?????? Street ?????? 4 August, 2054. Xenos Drakos...

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The Agency II

Nowadays, ever since ty and emily escaped from the agency, you could buy ones just as good. the official word from the us government was that the agency was a medical research lab, abused by a couple of rogue scientists.

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F.L.A.S.H. Chapter I

He nodded and led sakata to the center of the room, agency and press alike were along the room's perimeters, some had recording devices, and some had cameras.

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Ember Tails, ch3 (pt.1)

I don't have any of those papers since i normally do everything through the agency here..." "you won't get in trouble with your boss for coordinating something outside the agency?" zane's mother asked. ms. hendershot shrugged with a smile.

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Chapter One: The Adoption Agency

American hero of the vietnam war plagued with a dark second side that thirsts for blood that is kept in check with medication found himself returning home to happy tree town, back in his home of the united states, upon returning however he went to a adoption agency

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Issue 00: Wellcome in Daracoss

The daracoss tourism agency (registered trademark) and the five dragons corporation accept no liability for events that may occur to you during your stay.


A Perfect Winter Holiday

There had always been an unspoken playfulness between the siblings, but it was one that they couldn't truly embrace or expand upon during their time in the agency.

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Rutherford Nikolaas (AU)

The black fox pi agency is still operating to this day, with several branches across the world. a painting of rutherford is kept in every known branch of black fox agency. a way his employees honor him for his hard work on starting black fox.

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