dark gurdien chapter 1.txt
Anthony had a good look at his surroundings he was standing in front of the lucaria malls fountain.
Black Sepia - chapter 6
"this one" proved to be a pen, one of just a handful in a display of high-end fountain pens.
The Whistler - Preview
The whistler took the hand of a small orange kitten with glasses and stood on the edge of the fountain. with his free hand, he snapped. the water parted, revealing a long dark tunnel.
the garden
A fountain that had long since run dry. curiously though, vines had long since replaced the water, running from where a stone figure poured them out of a jar and running down into the basin below.
Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 6
While going through route 4, we decided to stop by a large fountain, known as perle fountain. on the sides of the fountain, were two horsea statues shooting out water that intertwined.
The Great Prophet Of Zao Chapter 18: The White City
Beyond the gates lies a large courtyard with a fountain in the middle. the fountain is shaped into a tree that has no leaves with water pouring out of the end of the branches. around the fountain stand five rabbits and three guard dogs.
Thirteen Tales From Another World: Sixth Tale
It was of a stone fountain somewhere in the jungle. whoever constructed the fountain was long gone, as vines and moss had grown all over it. but water still sprayed upward. cris skidded to a stop.
Immortal, Chapter 6 - Nameless
Katashi yelled as he exited falling into a large pool of a fountain. he was suddenly surrounded by water and his lungs begged for air. surfacing from the fountain he let out a loud gasp.
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 29: Grey Shadows
He looked at the fountain in the plaza again. andy and octo were leaning on it, but besides them, the fountain looked... weirdly familiar. three big stone fish were in the middle, sprouting water and surrounded by small lamps.
The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Eleven
What's probably going to happen is that once i fly up to the square fountain and stand atop the statue..." he turned a pointed with a paw-finger, following where he pointed markus saw that he was talking about a large fountain, with a statue of a cruel faced
Mao's Feathery Isekai - Owlbear TF
She stretched out a clawed arm, using her magic to slow down his fall, alongside guiding him down towards a nearby fountain. "wait, shade, isn't that the fountain with..."
The children and the mare were playing in what would have been the pond of the fountain if it still worked. some were climbing over the side of the fountain and some were about to leap off into the water. all were obviously having a great deal of fun.